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Need original Fuji ESC 24V-200W Lamp or other solution for Elmo GS1200

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  • #16
    The preceeding owner of my GS1200 replaced the 360m arms for larger capacity ones, so I watch sometimes silent features (at 18 fps, of course) on large spools on that projector and I wanted to keep that possibility. I regret, however (even if that's another debate) that Elmo didn't put a silent function on that projector. You only have the choice between running a silent film with the head on place or by removing the exciter lamp, on "optical sound" mode. Not idéal. Back to your question : you cannot change from two to three blades(or vice versa) in five seconds, but it's not that difficult. They replace the existing screws by "screwdriverless" ones
    Click image for larger version

Name:	20240530_153403.jpg
Views:	144
Size:	85.6 KB
ID:	101644


    • #17
      so it's easy to remove the back of the projector (don't forget there is a wire that connects the internal speaker, so be careful). You just have to slide the shutters, it's usually quick, but I would not recommend to do that during a show with audience.


      • #18
        Vingertip screwknobs, that's smart.
        Specially now you have to remove the back more often.

