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Excellent !! I am curious. There are many Mickey Mouse cartoons - why choose THE LITTLE WHIRLWIND ? I personally have never heard of it before. There are so many . . . Personal favorite of yours?
It did feature on super 8 in extract form on Mickeys Memorable Moments Vol 2 . I’m not sure if Derann issued it. One of the last pre war Mickeys 1941 and the 1st to feature the updated design of him. Parts of large whirlwind animation come from The Band Concert. It would be one of the best ones coming from the era of Snow White to Dumbo animation
It was included in the recent 100 years of Mickey Mouse Blu Ray.
Excellent !! I am curious. There are many Mickey Mouse cartoons - why choose THE LITTLE WHIRLWIND ? I personally have never heard of it before. There are so many . . . Personal favorite of yours?
Why not? It is a wonderful cartoon never released before on Super 8 and, very important, we got a flawless source to work with (more details about it on our web page) 😉
Just watched my copy. Great quality. Although, there is few dialogues, it's fantastic to have them in French. As far as I know, there has not been super 8 releases in French for a long time. Thanks for that! To be complete (and that 's not a problem for me), the countdown before the cartoon is reversed (up/down), I don't know if it's just on my copy or if it's general. I cannot wait to get hhe future releases.
Countdowns in 35mm films are upside down when projected, so the projectionist could read the numbers the right way up when threading the film (in the projector, the film is upside down and the lens turns it the right way on the screen).
So this is correct, as I assume that a 35mm print was the source for the Super-8 films.
Just watched my copy. Great quality. Although, there is few dialogues, it's fantastic to have them in French. As far as I know, there has not been super 8 releases in French for a long time. Thanks for that! To be complete (and that 's not a problem for me), the countdown before the cartoon is reversed (up/down), I don't know if it's just on my copy or if it's general. I cannot wait to get hhe future releases.