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I don't know about now, but when released the full feature was available quite a long time before the 600ft cut down. Derek said they had trouble getting a 35mm print to edit for it, the full feature coming from an existing negative.
Over the years I've come across a good number of 8mm collectors who just collect and don't even project the films. A memorable one was a young man who collected sci-fi only and all his films were never un boxed. It happens.
I have the derann feature of this, and its 3 x 600ft, I don't know if its edited, because the movie seems longer than this when you watch it on tv, perhaps its the unreasonable amount of commercials breaks that seem punctuate films these days......
... and very lucky to have it. In my opinion, the colors are far more brilliant on the super 8 scope feature, than what i have at least seen on DVD. The colors are more accurate, but then, on most DVD's or blurays these days, they "enhance" the original color most times. Empire strikes back being a good example of that.
The 600ft cut down seems to have little or nothing from the middle 600ft of the feature. that was luck for me as I manged to get an odd reel of part 2 which I have spliced into my copy.
Brian - I have an odd reel of Part 2 and, to be quite honest, there is not really a lot going on in it as far as thrills and spills are concerned. Although I have not seen the 600' cut down, I can sort of see why it has "little or nothing" from it.
It is also a bit of a relief to know that I am only searching for 2 further reels as I assumed it might have been 3 extra (making it a 4x 600')
My full feature of THE FOG is 3x600“ but reel 2 is filled to the edge. The film is complete. I re-recorded it years ago and nothing is missing. Sharpness and colour are outstanding.