Thank you everyone for your help comments.
Simon ... I did wonder whether I had the film the wrong way round in the camera
The raw stock was wound on the spool correctly (the matt emulsion side facing towards the inside of the spool and when loaded, faced the lens). Unfortunately I didn't take notes when I was shooting the scenes but I do remember it being sunny so I must have used f/16 (or above) most of the time.
Are ND filters available for the B&H Sportster? Is there a link to a web site for how to make or adapt ND filters?
I've just done a light leak test. I put one of those tiny key ring LEDS inside the chamber, switched it on and closed the door of the camera. Couldn't see any light escaping from around the door (phew). The only light I could see is when I depressed the switch to start 'filming'.
I'm starting to think that it is an exposure issue (assuming there were no issues with the processing).
I'm going to give the camera another go. Does anyone have any hints/tips to test the camera? Any recommendations for where to buy film? I'm in the UK. Many thanks
Simon ... I did wonder whether I had the film the wrong way round in the camera

Are ND filters available for the B&H Sportster? Is there a link to a web site for how to make or adapt ND filters?
I've just done a light leak test. I put one of those tiny key ring LEDS inside the chamber, switched it on and closed the door of the camera. Couldn't see any light escaping from around the door (phew). The only light I could see is when I depressed the switch to start 'filming'.
I'm starting to think that it is an exposure issue (assuming there were no issues with the processing).
I'm going to give the camera another go. Does anyone have any hints/tips to test the camera? Any recommendations for where to buy film? I'm in the UK. Many thanks