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Ebay snowflake buyers yet again!!!!!

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  • #16
    Mark sorry to hear all this and I know the feeling but don't let them chop into your own pleasure with film. I do however agree it can be more trouble than it is worth.

    These beautiful cameras, projectors and films now come in the antique category and I think people sat on fleabay looking for vintage equipment and film forget that or just don't really know what they are getting into with the retro thing. I don't get that either!

    Some years ago when I sold off some of my top shelf films they were sold on condition the interested party came here and watched the entire film due to the value we were dealing with. This is the problem with fleabay it is just so remote you cant have face to face interaction and I think its about time the put a video link on sellers listings so registered buyers can chat to them face to face.

    Keep your chin up Mark best you can anyway.


    • #17
      I sympathise with Mark as I can imagine how exasperating such issues must be. Someone who incompetently breaks something on a camera or projector - and then expects a refund - should not be able to get away with this.

      I've done some selling on ebay in the past but I'd be more reluctant to now. I expect most here would be more confident buying or selling via this forum. Maybe one factor that discourages people is that the high prices sometimes paid for films on ebay makes it harder to decide what the 'right' amount to charge is. I've sometimes seen amounts asked for features that are about 50% more than what I might have charged, and yet the films sold very quickly.

      I wondered, therefore, whether moderators/members might think there could be scope for trying an optional auction-type sales format here, in which (e.g.) an auction ran for a week, but any bid on the last day extended it for 24 hours? There could be limits on how often members could offer items via auction, so that there isn't a flood of routine offerings. Maybe there are reasons why this isn't a great idea, but no harm in asking!


      • #18
        It's just my two cents worth, but I think that doing auctions and bidding on here would potentially cause bad feelings amidst members.


        • #19
          I am in agreement with Osi.
          By all means sell items, but not auction them.


