In case it missed any enthusiast.
I've been offering a Super 8 magnetic sound dubbing service here in the UK for 40 years come 2022. This was primarily aimed at film makers but over the years has grown to include film collectors looking for a high quality track recorded to high level upwards of +4 filling the void.
We can handle mono or stereo and also laminate magnetic striping when time permits.
Gradually we are working on a high speed dub but this will take time and investment.
If you require more details please contact
Thank you. Keep well, get the vaccine and enjoy our hobby.
I've been offering a Super 8 magnetic sound dubbing service here in the UK for 40 years come 2022. This was primarily aimed at film makers but over the years has grown to include film collectors looking for a high quality track recorded to high level upwards of +4 filling the void.
We can handle mono or stereo and also laminate magnetic striping when time permits.
Gradually we are working on a high speed dub but this will take time and investment.
If you require more details please contact
Thank you. Keep well, get the vaccine and enjoy our hobby.