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8mm 3d-printable cartridges and digital cartridges - progress

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  • 8mm 3d-printable cartridges and digital cartridges - progress

    Hi all,
    I'm an occasional contributor here, mainly because I don't always have much to say.
    Earlier this year I posted about work I'm doing with creating CAD models for 3D printing cartridge shells, with both digital cartridges and film cartridges in mind.

    I've had a busy year so it's moved in fits and starts, but perhaps it's time for a progress report.

    I have a 3D printable Super 8 cartridge shell that's gone through a range of iterations, and now I've got a design which works. My prototype has a CMOS sensor and an ESP32 microcontroller board, and though it still needs a few tweaks to the sensor carrier it's starting to show promise.

    I've also modeled a Single 8 shell by measuring Single 8 cameras. I don't have a real cartridge to copy. I think it's especially important to end up with a usable reloadable Single 8 cartridge because they're barely available new and those of us with Single 8 cameras might want to use them.

    I also think I can (just) slip the CMOS sensor in the film gate of a Single 8 camera without modifying the camera. Watch this space.
    See attached pictures for progress.

    I need to thank Tom Dennis for providing me an old Super 8 cartridge to measure.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    I probably also need to point out that the USB cable is purely for power because I've not fitted a battery to the prototype.


    • #3
      And here's a super-blurry and awful first image.


      • #4
        I admire your work on this! Great good luck!


        • #5

