Sometime ago away back in the mid nineteen sixties when i was around 12 years old i saved up all my pocket and newspaper round money so i could buy an 8mm film projector . This was in order to collect and watch those 8mm Castle and Ken Films monster horror films . My first projector was a second hand German made Pentax P 80 - 1 standard 8mm silent film projector . It was a very basic 400 foot spool capacity , fuss free variable speed , manual thread machine . The light source lamp looked like a car headlight and was a very low output . However i was more than happy with it for many years before i decided to set my sights a bit higher . Can you remember what your first 8mm film projector was ?
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What was the make of your first ever 8mm projector ?
A Prinz Magnon LV. (Silent)
I think it was a Dixons own brand. It served me well through my teenage years. I kept it for many years until a friend of my mother's mentioned she had uncovered a box of her old family films but didn't have anything to watch them on.
I happily offered it to her as I was well into sound by then.
Sadly, mum and friend are no longer with us, so what became of the projector..... who knows !?
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A Kodak Moviedeck.
-a gift from Mom and Dad for Christmas when I was 16 years old.
Kodak Moviedeck
They did the choosing, and being that Dad was a 35mm slide shooter, I guess it's only natural that I wound up with something that looked so much like his Kodak Carousel. Back then it served me very well: it was easy to use, it was kind to film, it was quiet and reliable. For something like 20 years, it was all the projector I had or even needed, then I got into sound and collecting films was never the same again!
I still have it, but given the 50W lamp, lack of sound, lamp on whenever to film was moving, 400 foot take up and their reputation for becoming fragile with age, I keep it as a reminder of those early days back when Dad and I would share his tripod screen and the west end of our dining room table back home and put on a show for a small crowd.
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A Kodascope Eight Model 30.
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Eumig duel gauge sound projector, I had created an animated cartoon on super 8 for my art o level but I had no projector to show it. My dad took me into Leeds on Good Friday 1978 to buy me a silent projector, I think the one we were looking at was £79.99. The shop was showing the 200ft Star Wars cut down on the eumig. My dad was very impressed so we ended up buying one along with Star Wars and one million years BC. Happy days.
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Brumberger 8mm Projector
Here is a video of the 1503 model which Janice Glesser posted.
And my comments from that post:
...The Brumberger was my first projector. It was part of a package which included a few Castle 8mm films, a roll-up white plastic screen, and a Kodak Brownie 8mm camera. The little Brumberger was built like a tank and was so simply to load and run and even a kid could run it without destroying a film. I lost count of the number of "pop-up Cinemas" this "toy" inspired. I still have all those Castle films and the Brownie camera, but the motor on the Brumberger died long ago and was replaced by a B&H 8mm projector that held 400 foot reels.
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My first (non-toy) one was a Eumig 501D. which I still have (also the toy battery/mains one).Last edited by Brian Fretwell; December 31, 2022, 08:26 AM.
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Never had any reel interest in film or projectors "never new anyone with one" until my boss one day at the aero club, suggested why not try taking Super 8 film. That sounds interesting I thought mmmmnow what you you need to buy is a camera so I did paid it of over months a B/H 1230. Da Da got a camera
He said "NOW" you will need a projector mmmm he just happened to be selling one, a SM8 and that was my first ever "8mm" projector, he said soon after me giving him the money for the projector, you will need an editor as well? mmmm he just happened to be selling one also. I gave him the money for that, soon after, he said you will need a splicer? mmmm he just happened to be selling one, so I gave him the money for that.
I think you can see where this is goingand would continue to go for many years to come,
I think I must have had the word "SUCKER" stamped on my head
Anyway its been a lot of fun and the SM8 was a great Super8 projector.
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