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The forum you are looking at is entirely new software. Because there was no good way to import all of the old archived data from the last 20 years on the old software, everyone will need to register for a new account to participate.
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Thank you!
I really like your website, especially in your description as to what went into these releases, leaving no need for lots of questions. Very well designed!
I'll probably do this. But man those prices. I know it's NOT 1980. But just thinking for less than $260.00 you could get a Laurel and Hardy feature from Jeff Aikman! I know because I did. SEVERAL TIMES!
We need new releases thank you for doing this. All due respect to you naturally.....
Thank you for your message. You know the cost of producing a new 16mm negative, S8 printing and stereo sound stripping. This is a unique chance to enjoy true film projection… at a cost. I’m affraid prices are fair, even low, considering all the above.
Just a quick message to say thank you to the customers that have already placed their orders. We appreciate your trust and all early orders will be shipped when the first batch of prints are ready. Will keep you informed.
Ruben this is good news for Super 8mm collectors. Can you please provide information on shipping costs? Also can you provide information on where these prints are produced and recorded?
Shipping cost varies depending on location. Please send an email through our website to get a quote. A brand new spotless 16mm negative is created for each of our releases (we are not using any old one) in Germany (by Andec Filmtechnik Cinegrell), Super 8 reduction prints are created there too (once the negative is aproved by us) using Kodak Vision 3383 print film, their latest generation of LPP stock. Stereo sound stripping (not laminated) and recording of the different language versions is done in Italy (Movie Magnetic), we tried both and found them to be absolutely reliable quality wise. We want our prints to be top notch for sure.