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Alien, The final confrontation 200ft

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  • #61
    I bear Lee Mannering no personal I'll will, but I do feel that it would be prudent to refund Phil's funds, however Phil did choose to keep the reel. Believe me, I know the issues with Andec. As much as they have been there to keep the Super 8 flag flying, I also have to say that, except for a glorious feature that I purchased from Steve Osborne a year ago, and a brand new Andec print at that, all the rest of the Andec prints I have received, JAWS, Jurassic, Star Wars digest, ALL have had assorted visual defects. I just put up with it, looking past the glitches, as I love Super 8, but at the prices we pay these days for new Super 8 prints, these issues really are unexceptable. Yep, the printer at Andec IS aging, and it's ability to be used is, in my opinion, getting close to being done. Imagine buying a brand new car and finding that the windshield wipers don't work? Awww, Osi, you should just be happy at having a new car! Nope! Now, I must say that the two new prints I have received from "elsewhere" have been top notch, printed most definitely with love, and even on one of the two that has an issue, he is doing a reprint of the title AND AT HIS COST! Now that there is the future of Super 8, if there is to be a future!


    • #62
      Over the years I have bought plenty of new prints on both super 8mm and 16mm. I have to say most have them have been excellent. The only problem prints I’ve had are the 600ft jaws print which I ended up getting a refund and the alien print. The little whirlwind is stunning and I hope Alice is as good. I’ve also ordered a full length print of a film featuring a horseman from the guy in Italy and hopefully there won’t be any problems with it.


      • #63
        Originally posted by Philip Hamilton View Post

        Super 8mm prints can be produced less expensively - although that solution is not geared towards ordering multiple prints. Therefore not a model for Dorun or Reel Image or similar.

        Dorun uses ANDEC. This German company does good work but requires the creation of 16mm negative. The negative for a 400' film will likely run 2000 Euros. This is before actually making prints and having them striped and recorded. There really is no 'meat' on the bone after ordering films this way. Thus, no profit.

        I ran the math on this. You would need to sell 75+ prints at already high prices for many in a small niche market to approach a "break even" on the Negative cost alone!

        This business is totally a non-profit endeavor and those who take it on do it because of the love and passion they have for the hobby.

        Thank you for your kind words.

        My very non profit making imports are not filmed off a video projector screen as with the cheap filmed efforts some are using.
        They are made in the traditional way and with huge effort by all involved very small numbers.
        I received just 2 emails saying a film had either a tiny fleck or line. Everyone else was very happy to own one a very small run of new S8 as with others.

        I offered a refund, it was declined.

        We have already seen one Newby leave the party as a result of negativity. Do you reelly want to see an end to new S8 when the minority put in the hours for free let alone the thousands?

        The majority are very happy to have new titles thankfully as am I

