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I have a Wolverine Pro and though I am generally pleased with my results, I see that the compression of the images is really just "too much". Is there anything at all to be done about this? Attached is an image of the same frame of video - one from a very old capture to VHS, then digitized, the other, straight from Wolverine Pro. The details are better with the Wolverine given its 1080p res, but the compression - yikes! What to do?
This is a well known issue Steven. There are lots of discussions regarding the subject in the old forum. https://8mmforum.film-tech.com/cgi-b...c;f=1;t=011395
You can try turning the sharpness down. Some postprocessing can help to some extent.
I put together a Hawkeye mod kit that replaces the controller with a custom controller and new camera and lens. Not suggesting that you go that way
but it is one of the options.
It is quite a bit of work and it is does cost some money... $300+
Here is some info on it. https://8mmforum.film-tech.com/vbb/f...ye-for-newbies