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You may never get a response from Moviestuff.
They have stated somewhere that they will not
respond to inquiries on equipment that they
no longer support. They don't have the time to
say "sorry, can't help you".
The following info may help you & anyone else
on this forum.......
The last version of CineCap 1.40 , the web site
where one could download it (trial version) no
longer exists. If you had purchased the activation
code before, but lost your software (such as in your
case) then one could have downloaded the trial again
and applied the activation code to make it full version
BUT... the prior version of CineCap 1.36 does exist as of
today at the following link. I clicked on the download link
there and the Zip file appeared to download into my computer.
The company that made CineCap (AlternaWare) no longer exists.
Their domain is up for sale.
At the link above Jeff Dod's email address is listed.
Whether it is active & he would reply, I have no idea.
And if it is good, whether he would still sell any
activation code for any of us that did download the
trial versions but never got around to purchasing it.
And now we're screwed (such as me) & also for those
who have purchased any old Moviestuff projectors where
the seller did not (would not include CineCap software
with it with activation code) Again that's me again.
Double screwed.
Let's try that link again.
It got screwed up.
The forum site split it after the 20 so you would have
to stitch it together.
But this shorter link takes you to the same place...
Movie stuff doesn't sell the software. And it is no longer is available from the developer. Do you have a registration code? Even with the software you can't install it without the registration code.
This software seems to be released back in SD video era (and Windows XP ). Would it be possible to move forward and have today's camera system installed instead?
I use it as well to capture HD video with my WorkPrinter XP. Works just fine in W10. I just bought a new PC which runs W11, haven´t installed any software yet, hope it works there as well.
I think the software included your information when you bought it from Alternaware, how else it recognizes only the email address you used when you purchased the software. I have used the software first in my Win XP, then W7 and finally W10 and I had to use that old email address every time I installed the software into a new computer. It did not work with the code only as today´s software does. I could send the 1.40 version, but you can not use it if you do not have the information to install the software.
Interesting to see some software having forward-compatible like this, whether this is intentional or not. However since there's ZERO support even from the original developer, it would be of no use to any new user then.
Originally posted by Nantawat KittiwarakulView Post
Interesting to see some software having forward-compatible like this, whether this is intentional or not. However since there's ZERO support even from the original developer, it would be of no use to any new user then.
I think there are a lot of programmers who could easily modify and modernize that software for DIY people. Like real FHD, UHD and 4K. If I had any programming skills, I'd done it already years ago. Now I have to use old software or new ones which don´t do the right things and I have to use several software to have the job done.
I think there are a lot of programmers who could easily modify and modernize that software for DIY people. Like real FHD, UHD and 4K. If I had any programming skills, I'd done it already years ago. Now I have to use old software or new ones which don´t do the right things and I have to use several software to have the job done.
It's a mystery to me also Erkki that no one has tried to program updates to some of these necessary capture apps. I'm sure you are familiar with the Scenylizer program. That program was awesome and with a well designed interface. However it was never updated to capture in HD before its development was discontinued. .. very sad
I purchased my WorkPrinter XP in 2003 with a 110V motor and some wrong colour bulbs, Roger changed to a new motor and led lights after some months. I live in a PAL land with 240V electricity. I always used only the 1.36 and 1.40 versions of CineCap (DodCap earlier). Now I am searching for some programmers to update the software to the present-day video types, HD, FHD and UHD.
The unit I assume is not shipped with the camera and the capture system? Just PC or Mac sw? So in order to upgrade, the hw that you have has to be HD capable. If so then I assume you would need the sw that takes the video stream and saves it as a sequence of images triggered by the unit mouse? If this is all correct then I think this is quite doable. I can give it a shot.