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Oh my.. thank you Janice. I am sure there are lots of people capable of doing this. It just takes time and patience.
Can you describe briefly the interfaces i.e. generally how the video stream flows between the camera and the computer and what interfaces are used.
I assume Cinecap would pick certain frames from incoming video stream according to the trigger signal - a "mouse click" from the film transport. All seems quite identical to what Sceneanalyzer does. Unfortunately although freeware, but Sceneanalyzer does NOT support anything HD.
It should be very possible to do the same thing in HD, using cameras with clean HDMI output for example.
Thank you Erkki. Looking at providing SW that will detect the Workprinter mouse clicks and then grab an image from an HDMI card. For now I am using a cheap HDMI usb3 card that is 4K capable. Still work in progress.
Thank you Erkki. Looking at providing SW that will detect the Workprinter mouse clicks and then grab an image from an HDMI card. For now, I am using a cheap HDMI usb3 card that is 4K capable. Still work in progress.
Great, Stan. If possible it could be nice to crab also in 4K from the HDMI card. What did you think the outcome would be, a video or a sequence of images? I´d propose tif images, so you could enhance them separately e.g. in Lightroom before making the actual video, but of course, video is excellent too.
Yes, it would be a sequence of either tiff or jpg images, whatever you select. The card is capable of 4K. You need a USB3 port on your computer, either type A blue connector or type C. I am doing the mouse detect sw right now. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09BYMXHTG
In theory this should be able to save out series of still images from incoming video according to mouse click in any video capture program - should be an easy task indeed. To my surprise (and disappointment) there's quite a massive delay between the mouse click and the actual image saved. Worse yet it was so slow in operation - somewhere around no more than 1 fps or so. This is consistent to any video capture program I currently have so I ruled out the issue from software side.
Since I'd already perfected my other setup using mirrorless camera to capture still image sequence to its own SD card, at around 3 megapixel resolution - and at 2 fps. Therefore I eventually abandoned this idea and stick to my mirrorless camera setup.
(Maybe because I chose the incorrect capture card for the wrong job in the first place, maybe.)
I do not use any 3rd party software. I am writing my own in VB. The critical part is the image save function from the video buffer. I wrote a similar image grab for my Hawkeye HDR project and was very fast saving tiff images. But it is a good point though to test this.
Tested tiff image save. It can run at 8fps. The image size is 1920x1080. Still have to do a few more things.
- Add image format selection
- open up mouse focus so that the mouse click is valid within the entire app window.
Let me know if you want to test the software. Keep in mind it is still a work in progress. Janice is testing it ight now and running into a few issues.
How are you getting on with your software and tests using the Workprinter? I'd love to try! Would love to test it with an HDMi capture from a canon rebel TS camera!
Hi Shane, the sw is coming along. Janice got the capture working but it is out of sync and she is getting some runtime errors because her setup does not like some of the settings but it can be worked around I believe.
Here are instructions.
Here is the link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folde...kQ?usp=sharing
It has 4 versions.
Workprinter.zip --- my original version where you can select fps but does not have 59.94 fps implemented, mouse click in Frame button
CapSample.zip --- hardcoded fps to 59.94 and cannot be changed mouse click anywhere in the form white space
CapSampleMouseRelease.zip --- 59.94fps, mouse in the white area of the form, camera triggered mouse release
CapSampleMouseRelease1.zip --- same as above just full rebuild
Download the zip file and go down to the bin directory and then doubleclick on CapSample.exe
The camera selection window pops up. Select the camera (board), then the config window pops up.
Do not select anything except for the file path. Click OK.
The capture window will pop up.
In my setup I do not run the video capture, just place the cursor on the frame button and the capture starts (right window).
If that gives you a black screen then you can try hitting the start button. That will start the video capture (left window) and will start saving the video file into the destination directory. During that process you can start capturing and see if that works.
For other versions you have to place the mouse in the white area between the pictured and the buttons. Open up the main window larger if necessary.