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Elmo TRV-R8 TransVideo Regular 8mm Film-to-Video Telecine Projector, these Original 8mm Projectors don't come up very often, great for Home Movie Transfers, no good for Professionals.
So with standard VHS res. you looking at about 240 lines. Even at that I'm not impressed with the Elmo results. Iv'e seen some good results from the Kodak reels transfer machine, but that takes an age to scan a film. I'm sure it woud be possible to upgrade that Elmo telecine with a new CCD, as it is a direct and fast transfer unit. It looks a sturdy piece of kit, and reg. 8 is difficult to find. Must put up my 8mm film transfer, using some purchased and home made pieces.
Elmo TRV-R8 TransVideo Regular 8mm Film-to-Video Telecine Projector, these Original 8mm Projectors don't come up very often, great for Home Movie Transfers, no good for Professionals.
If we are not making any modification with this 1980s telecine technology vs. today's cheap scanner machine such has Winait (Wolverine, Reflecta, Somikon, Kodak, etc) how do you see the resulit comparison? Who will win?
"Denevi digital in California can upgrade these with a better resolution camera"
I could not find any sample video transfers with this offered upgrade on the Denevi website. I thought this was odd to offer this service with no visual render of the results.
Not sure why anyone would pay this money when you can make your own from an old R8/S8 projector and much better video quality.
Can't agree more!😆
Once tried this idea with a cheap analog camera bought from Aliexpress with a projector that's lying around. The setup is of course extremely rude/crude - using whatever I already have with least amount of time and attempt. So I don't expect much.
To my surprise, the result is...pretty acceptable - possibly exceeds Elmo TRV machine. If you're expecting DVD quality level this would be more than enough I think.
BTW - the sw should work with most usb cameras and maybe some capture cards. Unlike Cinecap, my version is FREE.
And it allows you to dynamically adjust the exposure during scan. Supports HD.
Arg! I just got though finding and purchasing the Panasonic HDC-HS9 and 50mm lens from mouser for my modded Sankyo Dualux 1000.
Oh, well I'm still hopeful for good results. Will post some samples next week.
Not sure why anyone would pay this money when you can make your own from an old R8/S8 projector and much better video quality.
One reason I can think of for for the Elmo TRV series is the 5 bladed shutter for flicker free transfers. Another reason on the TRV16 is that it can play magnetic or optical sound. A friend gave me his Elmo TRV16 I may work on restoring it as a hobby project. I know that it needs a new roller set from Urbanski and it has a cracked gear. It doesn't seem to be too hard of a task removing the low resolution camera and replacing it with a better one.
Arg! I just got though finding and purchasing the Panasonic HDC-HS9 and 50mm lens from mouser for my modded Sankyo Dualux 1000.
Oh, well I'm still hopeful for good results. Will post some samples next week.
This is a still frame comparison Kim. The running video is actually pretty good. It is on the right hand side in the following clip. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-_A...ew?usp=sharing
The video on the left is a frame-by-frame Hawkeye mod.
So it really depends on what you need. The Panasonic camera scans really fast with good quality and nice colors.
ELP camera is similar to Workprinter and better image sharpness but only 7 FPS. You can actually add it to your setup for around $100 if you want to go that way.
The frame-by-frame is the best quality but more money and very slow t around 2 FPS or slower.
One reason I can think of for for the Elmo TRV series is the 5 bladed shutter for flicker free transfers. Another reason on the TRV16 is that it can play magnetic or optical sound. A friend gave me his Elmo TRV16 I may work on restoring it as a hobby project. I know that it needs a new roller set from Urbanski and it has a cracked gear. It doesn't seem to be too hard of a task removing the low resolution camera and replacing it with a better one.
Makes sense if it is free... There are also other ways of getting the audio. Looks like it does the R8 format only???