Welcome to the new 8mm Forum!
The forum you are looking at is entirely new software. Because there was no good way to import all of the old archived data from the last 20 years on the old software, everyone will need to register for a new account to participate.
To access the original forums from 2003-2019 which are now a "read only" status, click on the "FORUM ARCHIVE" link above.
Please remember registering with your first and last REAL name is mandatory. This forum is for professionals and fake names are not permitted. To get to the registration page click here.
Once the registration has been approved, you will be able to login via the link in the upper right corner of this page.
Also, please remember while it is highly encouraged to upload an avatar image to your profile, is not a requirement. If you choose to upload an avatar image, please remember that it IS a requirement that the image must be a clear photo of your face.
Thank you!
Is it possible that we can have members locations restored? Personally I found this information very useful. Do others miss this information that we used to have on the 'old' forum.
Yes. I always found it helpful to know what part of the planet a particular opinion or view was coming from, especially if someone is selling something.
I also like seeing where our members are living, however I have not seen that as a display choice in the software options. It can be seen in your User Profiles (If you've completed that entry), but not on these pages. I will check again.
It's something I absolutely wanted to have, but have been too bogged down to research how to add a location field. I recall there was someone here on the board who was very familiar with this forum's software, so maybe he will know and could drop me a line.
Ah, I thought member locations had to be dropped due to privacy policy. I've also always liked to get this information - especially on a forum where people from all over the world are discussing their hobby.
Nah, saying you live in Chicago, IL or Dallas, TX is in no way any sort of privacy violation. Nobody is posting their actual ADDRESS, just their rough location.
I'm quite happy for it to be known where I live, as can be seen on my User Profile. We have members from around the world, and it would be great to know where they all live.