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Wondered if there is a suction device for cleaning ,particularly gates, rollers sound heads? Often using soft brush or air can move the debris but not remove it, suction would solve this problem.
Have a think!
I use an artist's brush. I find this is fine for getting at the front of the gate but not so much the back. I get ideas of building something with compressed air with a small tube with a hooked end to reach behind there, but that's a project for some other time. (I never run out of projects! This week: new brake pads on my wifes's car, all four wheels. )
I use cotton buds and isopropyl alcohol for the entire film path,including gate and soundheads. It has always worked very well,and the alcohol soon evaporates.
John this is what I keep next to the projector at all times.
1: Elmo gate brush
2: Make up duster brush. Very soft about 1" wide
3: 400ml Air Duster aerosol CPC sell them
4: Perhaps most important is a battery mini hand held vacuum cleaner. This can be set to suck or blow cost about £11
Air dusters are great but of course blow the dust all over the place.
Cleaning the film path at the end of every show should mean there isnt too much dust to blow into the works. I usually take the back cover off every couple of months and gently use a blow brush to keep it all clean inside as well as all the usual places, especially the tops of all the small capcitors etc, dust holds heat.