Welcome to the new 8mm Forum!
The forum you are looking at is entirely new software. Because there was no good way to import all of the old archived data from the last 20 years on the old software, everyone will need to register for a new account to participate.
To access the original forums from 2003-2019 which are now a "read only" status, click on the "FORUM ARCHIVE" link above.
Please remember registering with your first and last REAL name is mandatory. This forum is for professionals and fake names are not permitted. To get to the registration page click here.
Once the registration has been approved, you will be able to login via the link in the upper right corner of this page.
Also, please remember while it is highly encouraged to upload an avatar image to your profile, is not a requirement. If you choose to upload an avatar image, please remember that it IS a requirement that the image must be a clear photo of your face.
Thank you!
Better late than never I finally got around to re-registering to this new Forum over the weekend.
I must say that you've both done an excellent job - I'm finding it very easy to use and it seems to be running quite smoothly. I also like that it's easy to access the 'GOF' via the 'archive' section 😊
I look forward to hopefully having more time than I have had over the past couple of years to contributing and being a more active member of the Forum in the future.
I have a technical question : I get recently messages for my supposed subscription to some threads. I first supposed I made that by mistake but it has happened also to threads I hadn't even read. Is that happening to other members also ?
I see it every so often myself: I just thought I clicked on something by mistake.
I should never do this! I've destroyed entire magazines just by subscribing to them: they were great until the moment I signed up, but took a sharp turn for the worse as soon as they got my money.😊
Steve, I've had the exact same thing happen to me two or three times with monthly magazine publications over the years! I thought this only happened to me. I resist the temptation to subscribe to anything now for fear of losing a favorite magazine forever.