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Melvin, I really appreciate that encouragement. The original purpose of this film was a 35mm workshop I signed up for and I had no idea what scene to write at first. The shoot took only an hour and was so painless, I was relieved. The film festival is over, but there will be more in a few months.
You're welcome, Daniel. I would urge you to get the film entered into as many festivals as you can in the coming months. One word I used to describe your film was "topical." Another I could and should have used was "relevant." Exploit it before it becomes yesterday's news.
Very entertaining - thanks for posting; it's good to have the director/writer/star and composer drawing our attention to this! I wondered where the location is? I'm guessing the use of 35mm for a film of this length may not have made the budget vastly more than it would cost to make it on Super 8 nowadays!
Hi Adrian, it was shot in downtown Brooklyn, NY. I'm still not familiar with the cost of 35mm stocks and lab fees because for me, it was all included in a workshop. But, I think the cost would be more than 3x the cost of Super 8, no matter the amount of footage.