Apparently, the new streaming service from 'Talking Pictures TV' is available outside the UK but not all content will be available. May be worth a look to see what's available. It's only just started this week and there should be a lot more content as it grows.
You need to register here:
It's a free service. Once registered, simply log on at
There's currently no app but it works fine on my tablet and laptop using Google chrome. On my TV, I can get it via my firestick using the Amazon browser but it seems to only allow the viewing of movies and not TV shows for some reason. Talking of TV shows - I have found that they are not all listed on the main site. Using the search function reveals goodies such as 'No Hiding Place'.
You need to register here:
It's a free service. Once registered, simply log on at
There's currently no app but it works fine on my tablet and laptop using Google chrome. On my TV, I can get it via my firestick using the Amazon browser but it seems to only allow the viewing of movies and not TV shows for some reason. Talking of TV shows - I have found that they are not all listed on the main site. Using the search function reveals goodies such as 'No Hiding Place'.