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I will probably wait for it to become a direct digital download, but that is more my hatred of going to the local cinema these days, as I hate those monsters such as "The Idiot Who Can't Shaddup", as well as the " Cellius Phoniticus ", and the brats running wild and free and then there's myself, having the audacity of actually being pissed off because, for some odd reason, I can't enjoy the FREAKING FILM!!!!!!!
I don't go to the cinema for the very same reasons (and my son works at the local cinema and gets two free tickets per week).
So the cast of actors in Jurassic Park and Jurassic world are quote.... "wooden, boring, lack luster actors its just a big yawn".....I can see "now" starting this topic was a big mistake.
Graham, that's just one person's opinion, and he's allowed to have it. No need for the post to be I'll timed. Honestly, however, folks really don't go to a dinosaur flick for Oscar worthy performances. Now if they give "blue" a special Oscar for, " Best performance by a overgrown lizard in a non speaking role", THEN, I will be truly impressed!
Everyone is entitled to their opinion but for David to refer to me as a "Shmoes" above, meaning a "dull stupid boring person" really ticks me off. As far as I am concerned I wouldn't buy a toothbrush off him. I could have responded to that comment but I won't waste my time with him.
Oh is that what it means. I just thought it was a typo. Silly David what a gòrach thing to say. Toothbrush comment now that was funny wonder how you thought of that 🦷
Speaking of Gary’s comments about cinema attendance I was dragged to see Jersey Boys and it wasn’t on apart from one cinema on the outskirts of city. Lovely cinema and setting but we had let’s us say 4 seniors behind us who came prepared. Flasks of tea lunchbox of sandwiches car blanket likely hot water bottles as well. That didn’t bother me but they never shut up and one kept asking what was happening every 10 minutes. That man Clint does attract an older crowd.
I have two free DVDs Jurassic Park and Jurassic World if anyone is interested.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion but for David to refer to me as a "Shmoes" above, meaning a "dull stupid boring person" really ticks me off. As far as I am concerned I wouldn't buy a toothbrush off him. I could have responded to that comment but I won't waste my time with him.
I thought he was making a tongue in cheek comment as he released the digest of the original film. Also Shmoes is plural so not aimed at one person.
Seems Brian was the only one who caught that - " Shmoes " - you know - like the 3 Stooges - are just like " Joe Shmoe " - ( just any guy ) . I'm sure you heard the term Joe Shmoe.....
Gee too bad in this day and age very few people are making light of things and everything is Drama .
You have my sympathies .
Oh and Osi - please don't PM me anymore advising me not to say this or do this .
The only one that can command me on this forum is Doug .
Try to help diffuse a situation and what do ya get? Oh well. Doug! Good call on that! Dominion! We saw the more extended " trailer near the beginning of the stuporbowl (haha), and I do like the look of the film. Best hope that they end this will. Of course, I haven't seen the film yet, but I see a lot of dinosaurs in the frozen north (I assume), which begs the question, how can cold-blooded creatures live in the frozen countries? Must be additional genetic alterations.
Grahame, despite my misgivings about franchise films I hope you enjoy it when you go to the cinema. I feel that some comments in relation to this topic have been very unkind and I wish you well.