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Blackpool film collectors convention. 2022

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  • Blackpool film collectors convention. 2022

    hello everyone. as some of you may already know. Elaine Guest has decided due to other commitments she is unable to continue running the Blackpool film convention. she has however handed over the running and organising to a group of collectors. so the Blackpool Film Collectors Convention 2022 is now being run and managed by the following. Simon McConway. Mark Norton.Adrian Winchester. David Watson. Jeremy Norman and myself Paul Barker. myself and Simon visited the Grand Hotel yesterday(saturday 23rd) to sign the contract and finalise arrangements with the hotel. so i can now officially announce that this years event will be from friday 18th-20th november. the Film Fair itself on the sunday the 20th. the friday night film show will continue as will the saturday daytime film shows. the saturday evening meal is once again being organised by Adrian Winchester. further details on all these events will follow shortly. as will details on who to contact for dealer/table bookings etc. in this time of everything going up in price we are very happy to say that the hotel is keeping prices for room/accomodation at last years prices. accomodation can be booked now by contacting the hotel on 01253 623434 ext 3. PLEASE NOTE you must say you are attending the film convention to obtain the special room rates. i am also happy to say that entrance to the Film Fair on sunday is still being kept at only £6.00.(this has not increased for the past 4 years). further price reductions are also to be announced shortly re the Bring and Buy and Auction charges. and good news for Dealer/Stallholders too. so keep a watch on the forums for news updates. advertising will be appearing in Projections magazine etc and listings from CLASSIC HOME CINEMA etc. we thank them all for their support. as you can see a great effort is going into this event. however it's the support from yourselves as collectors, and Dealers to attend this superb event. so please make the effort to support it. remember it is now being run BY COLLECTORS FOR COLLECTORS. please give your full support to ensure this wonderful event continues. Paul.

  • #2
    Hello Paul,

    I did come last year to the convention with the speaker from the NT2 you sold me - but Elaine said you weren't well, I will bring the speaker back again this year and hopefully you'll be able to check it over and replace it if necessary ?

    Thank you,

    David Skillern


    • #3
      hello David. not a problem. although it will then be 3 years since you purchased i am willing to replace for you. sadly yes i missed last year due to ill healh. i hope you like the update and news on this years Blackpool Convention. Paul.


      • #4

        I look forward to further updates during the next few months and our regular trip to Blackpool in November - look forward to seeing you and everyone else in November.



        • #5
          here is a little more Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_0121.JPG
Views:	1145
Size:	177.1 KB
ID:	58814


          • #6
            Great news mates, Cheers, Shorty


            • #7
              great Shorty. everyone is looking forward to be meeting again.


              • #8
                My boss approved my request for the time off needed to go to Blackpool this year too, so see you in November!


                • #9
                  Eivind - compliments to your wise boss! Looking forward to seeing you, Shorty and all our overseas friends who make Blackpool an international event!


                  • #10
                    It's a not-to-miss évent, so, hopefully, I will be there, as well 🤪


                    • #11
                      Blackpool has always been my favourite film fair and I am sure the new team will carry on the legacy providing a great film weekend . Always a pleasure meeting up with friends with a common interest , I am sure if Dom can make it from Belgium as many as possible should make the trip from the UK, for those who have never been you will not be disappointed !


                      • #12
                        I haven't missed one since Derann closed and I don't intend to miss this one. Always a great weekend.


                        • #13
                          So pleased for you all. Those of us who have treasured the Blackpool events and travelled 600 miles in a day will love to see it continue. Well done you!


                          • #14
                            BLACKPOOL UPDATE. firstly thank you to all replies and comments. Blackpool is now run by a group of collectors. as such we are able to give some reductions on costs. THE GRAND HOTEL have kept rooms/accomodation for us at last years prices. you can book you room now by telephoning 01253 623434.ext 3.( mention you are attending the film fair for same prices.) dealer/table bookings. there will be reduced cost from previous years, and you will now get 2 tables for the price of 1. contact Simon mcConway on 01302 850988 or email to book your tables. further update to follow. Paul.


                            • #15
                              How sad, this is exactly the weekend my wife will celebrate her round birthday. So I’ll not be able to attend. That‘s life… I hope everything will work out fine and you’ll not get into Corona mutation troubles at this time of the year.

