Welcome to the new 8mm Forum!
The forum you are looking at is entirely new software. Because there was no good way to import all of the old archived data from the last 20 years on the old software, everyone will need to register for a new account to participate.
To access the original forums from 2003-2019 which are now a "read only" status, click on the "FORUM ARCHIVE" link above.
Please remember registering with your first and last REAL name is mandatory. This forum is for professionals and fake names are not permitted. To get to the registration page click here.
Once the registration has been approved, you will be able to login via the link in the upper right corner of this page.
Also, please remember while it is highly encouraged to upload an avatar image to your profile, is not a requirement. If you choose to upload an avatar image, please remember that it IS a requirement that the image must be a clear photo of your face.
Thank you!
I don't kow what the other members think of the new system, but I personnally don't like it all. It was much easier to upload pictures before. What's more, looks like you cannot display more than 3 pictures on your screen to select them, vs 5 before...
EDIT : (see my message in the "Your Today In Pictures") the old way to upload pictures came back 😎
As a test I just uploaded ten pictures without a problem. I do see now that you edited the first post to say that we are back to normal. I'll check to see if there was an update performed that changed our upload settings for a while. Sorry for the difficulty.
I use the upload attachments button for all the pictures and then put them into post by placing the cursor and then clicking on either small,medium, large, or fullsize.
If any pictures are left in the Upload Attachments box and not placed in the post, they will show as thumbnails that need to be clicked on.
​I have discovered that you don't need to upload pictures in order include them in your post. You can simply copy/paste directly to the post you are creating. You will still get the option to change the size of the image. Since this method is not mentioned in the documentation, there may be "gotchcas" that could cause problems.
Thanks for reminding me to change my member picture!
It's fine, and better than mine. I made the mistake of adding a picture of Homer Simpson to my Windows 10 PC once as my account picture. Microsoft saw it and assumed that was me and assigned Homer Simpson's picture to my "Microsoft Account".