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May 4th be with You

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  • #16
    Yes I saw "The Phantom Menace" with my Daughter in 1999, and again with my Son in 2012 in 3-D, sadly the 3-D didn't get the reaction George Lucas wanted, it was never released in 3-D Bluray. "Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith" were made in 3-D but were only showed once in 2015 at a Star Wars Event. The original Trilogy was never converted. Only the New Disney Star Wars Movies came out in 3-D Bluray.



    • #17
      Stanley Kubrick version of Star Wars


      • #18
        And there I was hoping it would show Darth Vader ordering the death star to fire on a planet, and it responding with "I'm sorry! I can't do that, Dave" (Prowse).


        • #19
          It’s only a movie. Actually watched all nine movies last year. Different nights of course and in chronological order. Phantom Menace was the worst. I was pleasantly surprised to see how good Empire and Return of the Jedi were. Actually think the Lucas CGI tinkering improved them. Just let Solo shoot the bounty hunter in the bar. Wonder could I get through the Trekkie movies?


          • #20
            Yes I guess George Lucas wanted to make Star Wars epic classic like 2001, but he borrowed many ideas from Frank Herbert 1965 book Dune.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Rodney Bourke View Post
              Yes I guess George Lucas wanted to make Star Wars epic classic like 2001, but he borrowed many ideas from Frank Herbert 1965 book Dune.

              He really wanted to make Flash Gordon but couldn’t get the rights to do so. Lo and behold a Star Wars universe very similar to that was created. Apparently, when he ran a rough without music and effects his director pals like Coppola, Scorcese and Millius all thought it sucked and told him so only Spielberg thought it had potential with work. When you think of his other directorial work like Willow and Howard the Duck Lucas was very fortunate with Star Wars.


              • #22
                Willow was directed by Ron Howard.

                Howard the Duck was directed by Willard Huyck.


                • #23
                  Thankfully he gave up directing.

                  Story of Willow was from George. Ron Howard was in his early days just over his American International debut.

                  Howard the Duck was produced by George based on a comic strip. There was talk of a remake.

                  Bet you if they had been successful George would have been claiming credit for them Success has a 1000 fathers Failure is an Orphan.


                  • #24
                    The sad thing about Howard the duck, is that, if Lucas had waited a year or two later, with Roger Rabbit being out there, Lucas no doubt would have went with a Roger Rabbit style version of Howard, which would have worked well with the material. That "robotron" Howard totally sucked, and it just took any possibility of the audience getting into it, out of it.


                    • #25
                      The sad thing about Howard the Duck was it was made. I watched it once and it’s still seared into my head how awful it was. It’s not just bad that it good it had no redeeming features. Willow is the same total garbage. Thankfully ,their box office failure saved us from two franchises. Bet you there are mega warehouses full of merchandise out there and bet you somebody is thinking about a reboot.

                      Remind me the Duck did want sex with a female human. Sounds a bit like Ted.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Osi Osgood View Post
                        The sad thing about Howard the duck, is that, if Lucas had waited a year or two later, with Roger Rabbit being out there, Lucas no doubt would have went with a Roger Rabbit style version of Howard, which would have worked well with the material. That "robotron" Howard totally sucked, and it just took any possibility of the audience getting into it, out of it.
                        Funny you mention Roger Rabbit . Great idea very creative but Roger was the most annoying cartoon character ever created and Bob Hoskins couldn’t act his way out of paper bag. Least we have Ray Winston for those type of roles now. Christopher Lloyd was nice and well Jessica can’t they make a live version of her.


                        • #27
                          We already have one, Stormy Daniels! ( Hahahahaha). In the early 1990's, I corresponded about 10 or so times with classic animation director, Chuck Jones. At the time, I was toying with the idea of becoming a full time animator myself, and his Warner Bros work was a major influence in the manner I wanted my career to go This was shortly after Roger Rabbit, and in one of the letters, I asked what he thought of Roger Rabbit. He responded that he didn't like Roger personally. Interestingly, Chuck contributed some gag material for the sequence concerning Daffy and Donald's piano concerto.


                          • #28
                            There is lots of New Star Wars series to be enjoyed,
                            like the New Acolyte,
                            Book of Boba Fett,
                            Obi-Wan Kenobi,
                            and 3 seasons of Mandalorian,
                            watch on Disney+ or own on Bluray.



                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Osi Osgood View Post
                              The sad thing about Howard the duck, is that, if Lucas had waited a year or two later, with Roger Rabbit being out there, Lucas no doubt would have went with a Roger Rabbit style version of Howard, which would have worked well with the material. That "robotron" Howard totally sucked, and it just took any possibility of the audience getting into it, out of it.
                              I'm sure (thouhg I didn't go to see it) that in the UK it was retitled as "Howard, a new breed of hero" not good for fans of the Marvel comic "Howard the Duck" and rather puzzling to me!!

