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Author Topic: CineSea Film Collectors Convention April 25th
Douglas Meltzer

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 - posted March 25, 2015 12:29 PM      Profile for Douglas Meltzer   Email Douglas Meltzer   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Just one month away, the 11th CineSea show will take place in Wildwood, New Jersey.

CineSea is all about film and film equipment. It's an intimate gathering of kindred spirits who talk about, watch, buy, sell, and trade films.
For those who haven't attended, Claus Harding's pictures from CineSea X will give you a very good idea what we're about. There will be be tables full of film & equipment in gauges from 8mm to 35mm. It's the perfect event for sellers since tables are only $20 and every person in the room is a collector (or a very tolerant friend or family member). It's also the perfect event for buyers since the prices are low and you can screen any film that you'd like to purchase!

The show starts on Saturday April 25th at 10 AM. I've lost count of the number of projectors that are running simultaneously. Everywhere you turn a print is being shown. In the early evening we all head out for a group dinner (always a highlight), then the screening starts and keeps on going and going. Last time we wrapped up at 1 AM.

Now's a good time to thank John Black and Shorty Caruso, who started CineSea with the idea that the film collector deserves an affordable show to pick up films, promote camaraderie and to keep this hobby going!

If possible, please try to arrive on Friday. Projectors will be set up in the evening and we'll have an informal screening.

Saturday April 25th, 2015

The Ocean Holiday Resort
6501 Ocean Avenue
Wildwood Crest, NJ 08260
609-729-2900 (mention "Film Show" to receive special rate of $65.00 per room)
Reserve early to get Oceanfront rooms with private balconies!

Admission: $5.00, free to those who are staying at the Ocean Holiday.
Hours: 10 AM – 5:30 PM, dinner break, continuous screenings late into the night.

6 foot dealer tables are available for $20. You can rent as many as you like. The cost of a table is so low that if you've got any films you'd like to part with, get a table and bring them to the show.

Lou Franchetti will be there with stacks of 8mm and 16mm. To reserve a table you can email/PM me or Lou.

From North; Garden State Parkway to Exit 4, follow Rio Grande Ave to end. Right on Ocean Ave. Follow to Ocean Holiday on left 6501 Ocean Ave. From West and South;Rt 76 (east) or Rt 95 (north) to Walt Whitman Bridge. Follow Rt. 42 to Atlantic City Expressway. Take Exit 7 (Garden St Parkway South) Follow same as north.

More about past shows:
CineSea 9, CineSea 9 (2). There's also the CineSea 6 Video, and Claus' CineSea 5 trailer.

I think there's room for just one more film.....

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Steve Klare
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 - posted March 25, 2015 01:08 PM      Profile for Steve Klare     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
CineSea is about as much fun as you can have without winding up in jail!

It's a whole weekend of film, projectors and most importantly film people and film conversation. There's this atmosphere of enthusiasm about it that you never feel when you're back home as the neighborhood's lone-wolf film-guy.

If you ever wonder (-along with so many others), "Why do I enjoy collecting films so much?", come to Wildwood: you'll understand better than ever.

I just reserved my room: the lady at the front desk remembered me too!

-guess that makes it a tradition!

All I ask is a wide screen and a projector to light her by...

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Joe Caruso
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 - posted March 26, 2015 09:14 AM      Profile for Joe Caruso     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Yeah, me too - I hope our overseas friends will come over - Shorty

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John Capazzo
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 - posted March 26, 2015 09:39 AM      Profile for John Capazzo     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
I wish so, too. Paul from Iceland can't make it as we speak regularly. He also wants everyone to know he just acquired Star Wars feature and wants to show it off--in October.

"the image is about 30 feet ahead of us."

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Jack Cleveland
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 - posted March 26, 2015 08:50 PM      Profile for Jack Cleveland   Email Jack Cleveland   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Count me in! I will be calling early next week to make my reservations!

Had a ball in October!

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Guy Taylor, Jr.
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 - posted March 27, 2015 06:39 PM      Profile for Guy Taylor, Jr.     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Good luck my friends. I will see y'all at the Cinesea in April of next year. Columbus, Ohio is on my agenda next. All my money for 2015 will have been spent.

Guy Taylor

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Andrew Woodcock
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 - posted March 27, 2015 07:21 PM      Profile for Andrew Woodcock         Edit/Delete Post 
I reckon Paul from Iceland has the best chance of keeping that low fade print of the recently acquired Star Wars feature low fade for longer than most! No fridge required!! Lol.

"C'mon Baggy..Get with the beat"

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Louis Franchetti
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 - posted March 30, 2015 03:53 AM      Profile for Louis Franchetti   Author's Homepage   Email Louis Franchetti   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
hey Steve I just talked to uries restaurant and they're open now on weekends so that should not be a problem going there

Louis Franchetti

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Roger Faires
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 - posted March 30, 2015 07:41 AM      Profile for Roger Faires   Email Roger Faires   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
There wouldn't happen to be a West Coast version of this at some time, would there?

from Portland . . Oregon, that is.

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Gary Crawford
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 - posted March 30, 2015 08:09 AM      Profile for Gary Crawford     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Cinesea is the best two weekends of the year, followed closely by Cinevent in Columbus. Four F's at Cinesea -Friends,Food, Films and Fun.

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Steve Klare
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 - posted March 30, 2015 08:41 AM      Profile for Steve Klare     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 

Urie's looks good: we will be well fed! (Maybe we need to schedule some jogging on the boardwalk...)

I liked the Starlite Diner too. That'll look great in Claus'es photo essay!


What makes CineSea work is we have the people and we have the place. What it also took is for somebody to find the place, rally the people and set a date.

-Just that simple: It's something we talked about (hypothetically) for years until John Black and Shorty stuck a pin in the map and said: "OK: here it is!"

I have to give them a lot of credit for their optimism: if it was me I'd never have started out as twice a year, ("Let's do it once: see if it flies...") but 5 years later I could never imagine it being any other way!

All I ask is a wide screen and a projector to light her by...

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Joe Caruso
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 - posted March 30, 2015 08:43 AM      Profile for Joe Caruso     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Lest we forget, our good friend and photo-bug Claus, without him we wouldn't know we were there - Danke

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Roger Faires
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 - posted April 03, 2015 12:27 PM      Profile for Roger Faires   Email Roger Faires   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
So Steve,

I expect that y'all will bring this to Portland since I am here, ya?

Oh well, maybe I'll bite the leather and get on a plane even though I hate flying.

If I don't, have a great time at Cinesea!


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Steve Klare
Film Guy

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 - posted April 03, 2015 01:00 PM      Profile for Steve Klare     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
No Roger,

What I am saying is if you can round up enough Western US collectors willing to converge on some central place (Granted: a lot harder out West...), you can make your own!

CineSea started out with nothing more than a post on this Forum to see if anybody at all would join in:

A Film Convention in Wildwood, NJ, any Interest?

By the way: this doesn't have to be several dozen people at a hotel. We have much smaller gatherings (maybe four or five) at someone's home and they're nice too.

If you do make your way to Wildwood, I'm betting you'll be glad you did!

[ April 03, 2015, 02:09 PM: Message edited by: Steve Klare ]

All I ask is a wide screen and a projector to light her by...

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Paul Adsett
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 - posted April 06, 2015 08:37 PM      Profile for Paul Adsett     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
How are the films selected for the Saturday evening film show? Do collectors just bring along films they think might be of interest to show and put them on at random, or is there an agreed upon list of films for the Saturday evenong show, selected from the pool of films on hand?

The best of all worlds- 8mm, super 8mm, 9.5mm, and HD Digital Projection,
Elmo GS1200 f1.0 2-blade
Eumig S938 Stereo f1.0 Ektar
Panasonic PT-AE4000U digital pj

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Steve Klare
Film Guy

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 - posted April 06, 2015 09:24 PM      Profile for Steve Klare     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
It's kind of "dueling gauges":

We have one 16mm machine and Doug Meltzer's GS Xenon operating alternately. People bring reels they think the crowd will enjoy and they go up at both projectionists' discretion in delightfully random order.

I brought a very nice S8 Buccaneer Bunny a couple of years ago and it got bumped because the same film showed up in 16mm a couple of reels ahead of it! (-actually a wasted opportunity for side by side comparison...)

It can be all sorts of different stuff. Last time we had a 16mm film released by the Wildwood Chamber of Commerce in the 1950s to promote tourism. I brought my print of Lee Mannering's "Cinema in Miniature" once, and I let him know he would be on screen that night too. Steve Osborne often sends a sample reel and I usually find something I want to buy from it. Gary Crawford once brought a 16mm reel from a feature that built a lot of tension without much dialog, and he narrated for us while it was on screen.

Generally the upper limit is a 20 minute reel, just to keep the show moving along. The mix often includes a lot of animation, much of it nice vintage stuff too.

It's actually a treat for me to be a donor to this: I see my films shown on a much larger screen, with a much brighter lamp and a much sharper lens than at home. I appreciate them more for this.

Generally sometime after midnight you have about 3 or 5 stragglers standing by the machines for last call, and then we make our weary ways upstairs and call it a night!

All I ask is a wide screen and a projector to light her by...

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Andrew Woodcock
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 - posted April 07, 2015 04:06 AM      Profile for Andrew Woodcock         Edit/Delete Post 
Sounds like a fantastic gig Steve. Please do a Vidar and send us all plenty of photographs! [Smile]

"C'mon Baggy..Get with the beat"

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Paul Adsett
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 - posted April 07, 2015 08:31 AM      Profile for Paul Adsett     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
So, you never show a full feature Steve?

The best of all worlds- 8mm, super 8mm, 9.5mm, and HD Digital Projection,
Elmo GS1200 f1.0 2-blade
Eumig S938 Stereo f1.0 Ektar
Panasonic PT-AE4000U digital pj

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Steve Klare
Film Guy

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 - posted April 07, 2015 08:31 AM      Profile for Steve Klare     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Claus Harding's photo essay is a post-weekend tradition:

CineSea X Pictures

All I ask is a wide screen and a projector to light her by...

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Andrew Woodcock
Film God

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 - posted April 07, 2015 08:39 AM      Profile for Andrew Woodcock         Edit/Delete Post 
Great stuff Steve and indeed Claus! [Smile]

Paul has a very good point... surely one superb showcase feature could make the day as dusk sets on the day, don't you think Steve?

"C'mon Baggy..Get with the beat"

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Steve Klare
Film Guy

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 - posted April 07, 2015 08:46 AM      Profile for Steve Klare     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
The plan is doing longer films and possibly a feature Friday night this time around. We've never had a Friday night screening before. We'll give it a shot and see what develops.

-the Saturday night bring and screen has to stay: it's a lot of fun and it encourages people to get involved.

All I ask is a wide screen and a projector to light her by...

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Andrew Woodcock
Film God

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 - posted April 07, 2015 09:22 AM      Profile for Andrew Woodcock         Edit/Delete Post 
I agree entirely Steve, but a Friday Night Feature screening will surely just put the Top Hat on it all I am guessing. [Smile] [Wink]

"C'mon Baggy..Get with the beat"

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Gary Crawford
Jedi Master Film Handler

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 - posted April 07, 2015 02:52 PM      Profile for Gary Crawford     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
The good thing about bringing shorts and assorted things to screen is that if you don't like one thing, just hang on for a few minutes and there will be something else. Also it exposes us to a variety of films we may never have seen or heard of .
The problem with one long feature is just the opposite. If you don't like that film, that genre...whatever, you are stuck for a long time. And who is the "chooser" of that feature?

Not so sure I like the idea, but who knows...it's the beach..it's films , it's friends , it's food ...that's the important thing.

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Andrew Woodcock
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 - posted April 07, 2015 03:19 PM      Profile for Andrew Woodcock         Edit/Delete Post 
Gary it's your gig not mine, whatever formula suits you guys best is surely the one that should stick.

Perhaps in this case, upon reflection, it is very much a case of "Don't fix what's not already broken!" [Smile]

"C'mon Baggy..Get with the beat"

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Steve Klare
Film Guy

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 - posted April 07, 2015 03:44 PM      Profile for Steve Klare     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
You're right, Gary.

If it's going to be a feature it will have to be very much a general interest kind of film.

It's kind of like when the History Channel chooses one of their shows and runs episodes all day, except in that case even if you like the show you still get sick of it!

All I ask is a wide screen and a projector to light her by...

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