Kodak Sound 8 (standard 8 sound, runs at silent 16fps and sound 24fps) this one needs repair. The claw does not retract adequately, and the sound needs work in the amp. It is equipped with tubes and solid state stuff. Looks like a small version of a Kodak Pagent 16mm, and it takes 400' capacity(unlike the Pagent with the reels only in the front) with a DHJ lamp, that is no longer made. (1)
Also, an Elmo GS 1200 (1)
In 16mm: B&H 1574 manual thread (2) B&H 1545 auto thread and retrofitted with a two bladed shutter. (1) B&H 500 series(1) Worm gear broken, needs repair.
Best, Michael
-------------------- Isn't it great that we can all communicate about this great hobby that we love!
Posts: 69
From: San Francisco, California 94131
Registered: Nov 2004
posted November 17, 2004 09:53 PM
Hey Bruce, You are really loaded for bear! Four Elmo CL 16s, Four EIKI SSL-1s - 2 EIKI EX5500 xenons. Isn't this a great hobby! How fun!
John P
-------------------- Antique Video Transfer Service 2" Quadruplex videotape to DV/DVCAM digital transfers 5001 Diamond Hts Blvd. San Francisco, CA 94131-1621 www.antiquevideo.com antvid@antiquevideo.com
Bruce McGee
Junior Posts: 7
From: Asheville North Carolina
Registered: Nov 2004
posted November 28, 2004 04:21 PM
Sorry about the delay in my reply.
I USE my 16mm machines for different events in my area. I have been asked to supply projectors that are of the same age as the films I am running. My Victor 40's look really nice set-up on a pair of project-o-stands with a black drape around the bases. I also have the original Victor speakers for these machines that I place below the screen.
Keep them?
I have a converted bedroom where the entire film collection lives. All of the projectors are in metal shelves, and the 2 telecine TP-66's live in the heated garage.
I ran a 1950 feature for a church group this past Saturday night using my B&H 179's, and a power speaker. Sounded really good.
posted November 29, 2004 12:37 AM
Super 8mm: Beaulieu 708EL (modified for use with 2000 watt xenon lamp) Elmo ST-600 (modified for use with Marc 350 lamp) Elmo ST-600 (modified for use with 24v 250w lamp) (I sold my GS-1200 to Alan a couple of years back, now I'm regretting it.)
16mm: Elmo something-or-other. Fairly late model with 24v 250w lamp in it, converted to 5 blade for video transfers
35mm/70mm: (4) Century JJ dual 35mm / 70mm machines, loaded.
I only have the 35/70 machines set up right now, but pictures are available at www.film-tech.com (click on PICTURES, then click on Film-Tech Screening Room)
Posts: 264
From: Fairfield, OH, USA
Registered: Feb 2004
posted January 22, 2005 07:30 PM
Bruce and Brad
You guys are enough to cause some serious projector envy!
Bruce I just became the proud owner of my first Victor 75-25 (with Marc 300 lamp). Wow, I had always considered owning one, but had never actually seen one let alone used one before. Been a long time since I have had so much pleasure running a 16mm projector! SWEEEET! I own many B+H JAN projectors including a telecine unit with mag and optical sound I converted myself. Various Elmo, Kodak, Eiki and other B+H's with a lonely RCA 400 to round out the 16mm machines.
Question for you Bruce. You say you have some of the RCA's in good working order. I rescued mine from the trash bin and have so far fixed and adjusted everything so I can run film through it like there is no tomorrow... only problem is the sound is inop. Amp just makes a loud hum. Any recommendations on where to start to fix the amp?
I also own
(4) B+H Filmo Master R-8mm projectors (8) B+H Filmo/Regent R-8mm projectors (2) Elmo ST-800 S-8 sound (1) Elmo ST-1200HD S-8 sound I am in process of rebuilding and putting in a Marc 300 light system (4) Kodak M100 1200ft capacity S-8 sound (2) Bolex SM8 S-8 sound (1) Eumig 932 S-8 sound (4) Eumig 822/824 Dual 8 sound (2) B+H Filmosound S-8 sound
Plus many other 16mm silent projectors and others I have forgotten to list I am sure.
Posts: 506
From: Avellino (Italy)
Registered: Dec 2003
posted January 23, 2005 05:11 AM
Brad wrote
quote: Beaulieu 708EL (modified for use with 2000 watt xenon lamp)
ehhh? 2000 watts? But it's incredible! How many lux from that machine? Is it possible to see the photos? And don't you have problems with the overheating (on the film expecially...)?
-------------------- The best of all worlds- 8mm, super 8mm, 9.5mm, and HD Digital Projection, Elmo GS1200 f1.0 2-blade Eumig S938 Stereo f1.0 Ektar Panasonic PT-AE4000U digital pj
Bruce McGee
Junior Posts: 7
From: Asheville North Carolina
Registered: Nov 2004
posted January 31, 2005 06:31 AM
I've got more than Brad... Hee hee hee...
The amps in your RCA's probably need new capacitors. Over the years the electrolyte in the caps dries out. Its not a bad deal replacing them. The hardest part is getting them. I have found alot of replacement parts on the internet. Nice thing, they dont have to be exact replacements. The worst of my RCA's had a bad grid coupler cap that gave me some grief. It tested OK until I applied power, and fried a 6V6GT output tube...
Posts: 1336
From: United Kingdom
Registered: Jun 2003
posted April 09, 2005 09:34 AM
I wonder what a psychologist would make of this topic? Any thoughts Trevor? BTW I have seen a piccy of Trevor's collection. Awsome.
posted July 12, 2005 10:35 AM
Hi all, I'm brand new to this forum and to 16mm film collecting so my list of projectors is pretty easy to remember:
Eiki NT-0 3-blade
My main interest is in maritime and boating related films (I produce a boating TV show) and two weeks ago we showed Tugboat Annie outside on a 16'x12'inflatable screen as part of the Seattle Maritime Film Festival that we are just starting. I also found 2 very cool Castle Film shorts on boating/sailing that I had never seen before. Finding new stuff is for me one of the real joys of 16mm film.
posted July 12, 2005 06:37 PM
1. Elmo ST-1200HD (magnetic only) 2. Chinon SP-330MV (not in use, sitting on a shelf) 3. Bell & Howell Filmosonic 600PS (nice for quick viewing) 4. Bauer T450 Servo Program (works but I did cause a short so now the sound heads no longer engage) (I've modded this machine quite heavily as well) 5. Two old-style B&H standard 8mm projectors (253AX and 256, if I remember correctly) 6. Three editors, an Atlas Warner model 600, Elmo 912 and a Hahnel Motomat 3001
I get by on these, for now...
-------------------- Call me Phoenix. *dusts off the ashes*
Dan Lail
Film God Posts: 2110
From: Loganville, Georgia, USA
Registered: Jun 2003
posted August 10, 2005 12:11 AM
I have four B&H 1585s and two more for parts(all auto-loads). Two B&H 500 series(one auto-load & one manual). Kodak Pageant(like new). An Eiki 3585 SSL-O. Two very clean B&H 202 magnetic & optical. 16mm B&H Silent like new Filmo Diplomat An RCA PG-201 Airforce Issue(needs a shutter)My first projector. GS-1200 ST-800 Magnetic/Optical ST-1200HD Optical/Magnetic B&H super8 Silent(can't get to it for model number) B&H 8mm Silent(") Argus 8mm silent with adjustable speed.
That's all folks!
Ooops! One more. Elmo St-100 Traveler(being re-asembled)
[ August 10, 2005, 06:19 PM: Message edited by: Dan Lail ]
posted August 14, 2005 01:12 PM
Well, I have some dull spare time during job related trip, nothing better to do than try to list them from memory. A bit different lineup.
B&H 253 Sekonic 80P Dalia (early sixties japanese Kodak clone, I think)
...and some complete wrecks saved only as possible parts machines, like Eumig 501 Bell&Howell - Gaumont Britain 631 O/M Previous owner had its amplifier cannibalized, projector part is perfect.
Brad Kimball
Phenomenal Film Handler Posts: 1171
From: Highland Mills, NY USA
Registered: Jun 2003
posted September 01, 2005 11:30 PM
CHINON 7000 CHINON 6000 EUMIG S802 2X B&H 2580 (Both have worm gears that are cracking, but they still function) B&H 2585 Autoload