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Author Topic: The truth about Vinegar Sydrome!
Kevin Wardle
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 - posted August 29, 2009 01:04 PM      Profile for Kevin Wardle     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 

Could anyone tell me the truth about Vinegar Sydrome, is it safe to store with other films, does it cause any damage to the film itself? What signs other than smell should I look for?

Many thanx, Kevin.

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Mark Mander
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 - posted August 29, 2009 01:24 PM      Profile for Mark Mander     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Hi Kevin,
I've only ever come across one vinegar print in the past,the other sign i noticed was that the film had a sticky feel to it as well,i wouldn't have a print with it in my collection.As for it passing to other films,i guess it's possible but don't know for definate,i'm sure this topic has been mentioned in the past,try in the search section....Mark.

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Michael O'Regan
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 - posted August 29, 2009 01:40 PM      Profile for Michael O'Regan     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Despite varying opinions on this, nobody knows for sure whether or not VS is transmissible to other prints. Different collectors will provide evidence for one or the other belief. Having said that it would seem to make sense to keep any VS prints stored separately from your other prints.
Better safe than sorry and all that!!

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Kevin Wardle
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 - posted August 29, 2009 01:44 PM      Profile for Kevin Wardle     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Hi Mark,

Thanx for that mate. I did a search but it came up with zilch! [Confused] I got some films off of E bay and they smell strong, might be a film cleaner smell, the films aren't sticky at all. I like the films you see, and some of them are very old! 'Scat Cats', which is a Castle cartoon (and is my favourite) has been dated 1945/47 according to my Castle reference book 'Castle Films: A Hobbyist's Guide'! [Wink] So I really don't want to bin em if I don't have to...

Anymore help would be very much appreciated!


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Michael O'Regan
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 - posted August 29, 2009 01:49 PM      Profile for Michael O'Regan     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
If its VS there will be an unmistakable smell of vinegar.

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John Whittle
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 - posted August 29, 2009 03:43 PM      Profile for John Whittle   Email John Whittle       Edit/Delete Post 
There have been experiments where a film with VS was placed in a can with a normal film and indeed in a tightly controlled can, the other film contracted VS as well.

One major thing we've learned is that film needs to breathe. Don't store in tight metal cans and never tape them closed. Best storage conditions are lower temp and normal humidity. Too dry and the film will have other problems since the emulsion is composed of gelatin and if you dry it out it cracks.

VS is actually a breakdown of the acetate base into it's base elements and once it starts it continues. It can be slowed down with cold storage, but with respect to all those who swear by their tonics, it can't be corrected.

Nitrate film turns to goo and then dust, Safety film can develop VS but by no means is it universal and some films from the 30s are fine and stuff from the 60s is bad. Kodachrome seems very unlikely to get the problem and ironically its the one film that Kodak made on di-acetate.

There is lots of information out there on VS and Kodak covers it in one of their books on Care and Storage of Motion Pictures (or they did when they still printed those books).


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Kevin Wardle
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 - posted August 29, 2009 04:00 PM      Profile for Kevin Wardle     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
That's great, John, thanx.

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David Kilderry
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 - posted August 30, 2009 02:47 AM      Profile for David Kilderry   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
As John says, do not store in air tight tins or cans. Film needs to breath in order to dispell any chemical build-ups. Mine are now all on open spools; carboard boxes are OK, cans are good for transport however.

The Kodak website and others have tones of information on the subject.

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Dino Everette
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 - posted August 30, 2009 03:11 AM      Profile for Dino Everette     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
the simple answer is yes it is contagious - vinegar syndrome involves gases that are offing from the film as its chemical composition is breaking down. The gases can migrate to other films. The best prevention for spread is to isolate the vinegar films from your healthy ones - especially for most small collectors who simply keep the films at home, since generally you don't have air circulation systems that constantly replace the air with fresh air, if your air circulation is just that...circulating the same air, then the gases are probably going to find the way over to the other films. The kodak molecular sieves that they sell can be used to absorb the gases being ofed to help prevent a spread, but it obviously cannot stop the process.

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Michael O'Regan
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 - posted August 30, 2009 03:35 AM      Profile for Michael O'Regan     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
So the gasses can then initiate VS in another print?

I was under the impression that VS began chemically within the affected print and was not initiated from without.

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Simon McConway
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 - posted August 30, 2009 04:32 AM      Profile for Simon McConway     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
I read recently that collectors should not keep their films in cardboard boxes as these can trigger vinegar syndrome! I disagree with this.

Where I keep my films, two extractor fans are installed. Every so often, these are switched on to draw out all of the stale air. It may be doing very little, however, it's better than nothing!

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Kevin Wardle
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 - posted August 30, 2009 12:18 PM      Profile for Kevin Wardle     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Very interesting guys, keep the comments coming as they will be useful to other collectors!

Many thanks, Kevin.

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Dino Everette
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 - posted August 30, 2009 03:48 PM      Profile for Dino Everette     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Michael yes while the VS originally does start within a reel of film breaking down all on its own the gases that are being released are not neutral, but harmful gases that can then in turn speed up the breakdown of healthy film because it is changing the overall purity of the air that healthy film is breathing in...Think of it in terms of second hand smoke. While it is obviously worse for the person ingesting the smoke initially (ie: the film that developed the VS all on its own) the presence of that contaminant in the air can have negative affects on anyone else in the room that then breathes it in (ie: the other healthy reels of film). In part this is the same basis behind the comments about people not storing films in boxes. The only reason is the paper in the boxes can "absorb" things which in turn can be harmful for ones' films. For Instance if you had a film that developed mold, it could be spread by the air circulation to the other boxes which would absorb the moisture and would then create an outbreak (I once had to hire and supervise a special cleaning crew to take every reel of film out its can and clean it at the small archive I was working at, because we had an air conditioner leak over the weekend and the moisture in the air got picked up and transported through the vents to all of the shelves (which at that time were wooden, which caused the moisture to stick and soak into the shelves ) and by Monday it had turned into spots of mold all over the cans of film....

I think for most home collectors the paper boxes are perfectly fine, but when you get into the thousands of items you really need the vented plastic archival cans, because you can't necessarily just empty the room of everything should you have the presence of moisture, etc...

Also don't forget that the chemical composition of every type of film is slightly different not just between nitrate, diacetate, & triacetate, but literally every batch of Kodak triacetate is different in some way, mainly because they all got processed at different labs using different formulas, etc.... At my work we run films through an old style traditional tinting bath when preserving old silent movies, and we have to take our color formula and run 3 or 4 test passes with adjustments to match a color because as soon as the tint hits the emulsion it reacts completely different on each and every print because of the emulsion and processing variances....

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Michael O'Regan
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 - posted August 30, 2009 04:55 PM      Profile for Michael O'Regan     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Thanks, Dino, for the explanation.

I'm wondering then, why there is ANY difference of opinion regarding VS being transmissible from print to print.

From what you describe, it would appear to be pretty conclusive.

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Mark Todd
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 - posted August 30, 2009 05:29 PM      Profile for Mark Todd     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Only VS ones I got went straight in to the Wheelie Bin in a few layers of plastic.

I am amazed people will even buy wanted films with it in progress, absolutely mad.

But then again most if not all of us left in the hobby probably need some serious therapy !!!!

Best Mark.

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Dan Lail
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 - posted August 30, 2009 08:00 PM      Profile for Dan Lail   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
If you dip them in liquid Jello, then soak them in lye with a smidgen of Worcestershire sauce at temperature of...oh say ..-10 degrees they will be just right for the old "wheelie bin". [Big Grin]

Love the "wheelie bin" thing booby. [Big Grin]

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Dino Everette
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 - posted August 31, 2009 02:42 AM      Profile for Dino Everette     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
I'm wondering then, why there is ANY difference of opinion regarding VS being transmissible from print to print.

short answer - because unless something is as straight forward and as easy to understand as 1 + 1 = 2, it will be debated....

slightly longer answer would involve the fact that there are enough instances where a reel of film will sit right next to an infected reel and NEVER develop VS, providing the fuel for argument. This is in keeping with what I said about the fact that the film being acetate is only part of the equation, the other parts, such as the chemical mixture that was used in the processing of the film, is completely different every single time a film is processed, and this level of variance cannot be accounted for making the equation more something like "VS will contaminate other films in proximity UNLESS special inexplainable factors are present."

Here is a quote from page 14 of the IPI storage guide for Acetate Film)The Image Permanence Institute is the only place I know of who are routinely and specifically testing these types of arguments in relation to media storage over time.

Laboratory experiments show that acetic acid
vapors are readily absorbed by fresh film, and this will
lead to faster deterioration. In practice, however, it's
quite difficult to judge when a threat actually exists.
Where at all practical, films showing vinegar syndrome
should be segregated.

Basically what they are saying is that the controlled tests show that this is the case, but in real life situations there are many unpredictable variables that can make it less clear cut...The question then becomes is it worth the risk to keep your vinegar films in with your healthy films? If you think there is no risk then by all means feel free to treat vinegar films the same as your others, I was only trying to answer Kevin's question with information obtained from those studying this phenomenon, rather than try and push personal beliefs, or something..

"You're too Far Out Miss Lawrence"

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Michael O'Regan
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 - posted August 31, 2009 06:03 AM      Profile for Michael O'Regan     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Thats an excellent summary, Dino.

I wasn't questioning your beliefs, or whatever else you think. I was genuinely interested.

I'm not sure why some people get a little put out if they're questioned a little closely on a particular topic - if we don't ask we'll never find out.

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John Whittle
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 - posted August 31, 2009 10:23 AM      Profile for John Whittle   Email John Whittle       Edit/Delete Post 

The other thing to remember is that the tests used to forcast a problem over time have not proven to be very accurate. Both time/temp/light tests used for film (and paper prints) have been bad predictors of fade and damage.

Look how long it took to find cyan image fade, and then there are cases of nitrate film from the 20s being fine and projectable and other films have turned to dust.

The bottom line is alot of the "predictors" turn out not to work. In some cases (like 100 year ink jet non-fade inks) we won't be around to see if they're accurate, in other cases such as storage conditions and VS, you won't find out for years if a theory you read about is true or not.

So use your best judgement, but don't look for absolute answers--there are just too many variables.


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Dino Everette
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 - posted August 31, 2009 01:53 PM      Profile for Dino Everette     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
I didn't mean to sound put off by being questioned. Not in the slightest, but I did want to make clear, that I was not simply some guy that thinks he knows all about everything (HA far from it [Eek!] ) I wanted to make clear that it wasn't my own philosophy on VS but the studies that are being done, I just was trying to point out that, if nothing else, the tests show that the spread is highly possible and very likely so why would you (as in anyone...not you personally) want to risk it. I have nothing against anyone, nor do I get my feelings hurt so easily....howzabout a cyber shake on it? [Big Grin]

PS John points it out the clearest, the biggest thing to consider is that no answer or theory on storage is truly time tested except the fact that for some reason some nitrate we know can last 100+ years and still be in projectable shape, beyond that we are all still guessing and learning as time passes.

"You're too Far Out Miss Lawrence"

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Michael O'Regan
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 - posted August 31, 2009 01:57 PM      Profile for Michael O'Regan     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 

A cyber-shake it is, sir.
[Big Grin]

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Hans van der Sloot
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 - posted August 31, 2009 02:55 PM      Profile for Hans van der Sloot   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
VS is a very strange phenomena.
I have 3 super-8 digests from Picollo with VS. Each digest has 2 reels.
Strangely enough from all these digest only 1 reel from each digest has VS, the other not.
So 3 reels have VS, the other 3 not.
One digest is even brand new. The films are still sealed in plastic.

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Kurt Gardner
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 - posted August 31, 2009 09:05 PM      Profile for Kurt Gardner   Author's Homepage   Email Kurt Gardner   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Sealed in plastic? Even worse! I bought a brand-new 400' sealed super 8mm "Shaft" off eBay and wouldn't even run it because it stank so bad when I unwrapped it.

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Hans van der Sloot
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 - posted September 01, 2009 05:47 AM      Profile for Hans van der Sloot   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Yes, I know. Film should be able to "breath".
I didn't even unwrapped these films.
But that's not my point.
It's strange that films from a same batch and always stored together in the same conditions, react differently to VS.

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Winbert Hutahaean
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 - posted September 08, 2009 12:32 PM      Profile for Winbert Hutahaean     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Hans, I understand your situation because I have the same problem too.

From all readings above, it seems to me no one include the lab process and stocks used as the result of VS.

I think Hans' problem may be resulted from lab process and stock batch (because I remember some one explaining here that in making 2/3 parter sometimes was done in different batch between the part).

So my assumption is that your healthy part reels come from a right chemical process while the other is not. The word "right" here means very subjective, i.e "Right" to your current environment/climate. So it can be a different scenario if (for example) the reels are in my country. Probably the healthy reels will get VS, while the other are the opposite.

My last question, will the LPP stock get VS too? anyone here find VS on your LPP prints (8mm or 16mm)?



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