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Author Topic: Do These Exist on 16mm LPP?
Ernie Zahn
Jedi Master Film Handler

Posts: 540
From: Greenwich, CT, USA
Registered: Oct 2004

 - posted November 28, 2013 04:46 PM      Profile for Ernie Zahn   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
After much debate Ive decided I'm going to collect 16mm in addition to my Super 8 collections.

I tried looking on ebay, old posts, etc. to narrow this list and confirm what was out there. In addition to those prints I saw existed, do any of these exist in LPP or good color?:

For a Few Dollars More
The Good, The Bad and the Ugly
A Shot in the Dark
The Pink Panther
Any Star Trek movies (Ive seen LPP TOS episodes)
Any of the Planet of The Apes sequels
Breakfast at Tiffany's
West Side Story
Blade Runner (Ive seen only faded versions)
From Russia with Love
Jurassic Park
Any Tarantino Movies
Any Robert Rodriguez Movies
Spy Game
Fight Club
The Matrix
The Big Lebowski
Terminator II
Die Hard
Die Hard 3
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Where the Buffalo Roam
The Fifth Element
Mission Impossible
12 Monkeys
Leon the Professional
Nightmare Before Christmas
Any Back to the Future
Roger Rabbit
Evil Dead II
Army of DarKness
The Goonies
Rocky I-IV
Beverly Hills Cop
Trading Places
Coming to America
The Jerk
Three Amigos
Duck You Sucker
Monty Python Holy Grail
Annie Hall
What's Up Tiger Lily
The Godfather
The Godfather Part II
Blazing Saddles
Robin Hood Men in Tights
High Anxiety
Any Naked Gun movie

And these in b&w stock:
Philadelphia Story
Citizen Kane
Dark Passage
Dr. Strangelove
Maltese Falcon
Island of Lost Souls

Check out the trailer for my feature length Spaghetti-style Western:

Six and Bisti

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David C. Lucidi
Expert Film Handler

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 - posted November 29, 2013 10:59 AM      Profile for David C. Lucidi   Email David C. Lucidi   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
A lot of them exist, but be prepared to shell out serious money for them. A few that I saw on Ebay in the last 12 months:


-Airplane (TV version)


-Back to the Future (I believe the trilogy sold, and if memory serves me correctly, one of the prints was LPP, the others were AGFA).

-Goonies (actually didn't see this on Ebay but know someone who has a MINT copy in LPP and will NOT let go of it. Can't blame him, I wouldn't either [Wink]

In short, most of the titles I saw on your list I have seen for sale at one time or another, be it Ebay or private collector selling on their own website, or a forum such as this. From what I have seen, the 80's-90's hit features pull in a ridiculous premium due to supply/demand. Deals can be found but it's one of those "timing is everything" kinda things.

One other thing is Eastman LPP started in (I believe) 1983, so if a movie came out from then-on, chances are strong it would be in LPP stock. I've also seen re-prints from older films in LPP too (example: My copy of the 1978 "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" is LPP).

Good luck and happy collecting! [Big Grin]

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Ernie Zahn
Jedi Master Film Handler

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From: Greenwich, CT, USA
Registered: Oct 2004

 - posted November 29, 2013 08:13 PM      Profile for Ernie Zahn   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Great! Thanks. Very helpful.

Check out the trailer for my feature length Spaghetti-style Western:

Six and Bisti

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Larry Arpin
Jedi Master Film Handler

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 - posted November 29, 2013 11:10 PM      Profile for Larry Arpin   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
I paid about $400 for Die Hard 3 & in scope. Excellent print on estar. Blade Runner in scope I've seen for $1500 or so.

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Gerald Santana
Phenomenal Film Handler

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 - posted December 05, 2013 02:02 PM      Profile for Gerald Santana   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
I have six of the films on your list and have seen another 20+ from your list for sale so, they are around but as mentioned, getting them from the collectors will be very hard to do.

This is why scarcity continues to make 16mm so expensive while 35mm seems much more affordable, the set up is not. You'll find these all on 35mm but, assume that they were printed down to 16mm by the studios if it was released before the end of 2004. You'll be surprised at what was or is still available, and they do come up from time to time.

For instance, I was just going through a bunch of films in a box from a previous collector and found an odd reel for Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (2004) on 16mm. The image is beautiful despite it being a band saw print. So yes, these are out there including illegal dupes and reductions.


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