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I have a Super-8 print from an Unknown Distributor. It's on 8-400' reels, and has a blank mag-stripe. Quality is very good with original titles. I've seen Reg-8 prints floating around from time to time, but never another Super-8 full length copy. Wish I knew more about its source...
I finally projected the digest again (it's like Doug described it). My film has not the original box, at least, I know now who released that short version.
Did You watch the BluRay? It’s of awesome quality. It looks like the negative has never been used before. Someday my print will come... Regards, Oliver
For film companies to sell or "push" certain titles, a name would be instrumental....for WINGS, though small in stature, Coop was heralded up there so more prints would sell...Milestone was a distributor...Bouchard too...often wondered how these outfits managed to obtain rights for 8mm production...amazing, Shorty
Milestone was "legal" Their prints,mainly Paramount productions were of fine quality. They also had a connection with William K. Everson as a number of the films came from his collection. Enrique Bouchard, who is still alive and kicking on facebook, was in Argentina and had a vast collection of rarities not found anywhere else (I can't say they were "legal" !!!!) including "Greed" and most of the, then unavailable, Buster Keaton features. He sold the films without reels,tightly wounded,wrapped in thick black plastic, as "negatives". I bought quite a number from him,in the "good old days".
Ich habe mein propleme mit der übersetzen der datei. sorry
vor 6 monate kaufte ich untenstehenden film .der verkäufer hat noch viel
viel mehr raritäden
unter anderem auch wings in voller länge vieleicht lohnt es sich nachzufragen