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  • #16
    Here's an Answer print screen shot from one of the NEW prints......
    Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_8293.JPG
Views:	598
Size:	47.8 KB
ID:	38932


    • #17
      Have you any shots from the Jaws print David?


      • #18
        Thanks Phillip . YES , they will be on here by tomorrow .


        • #19
          The curse of Frankenstein, great choice David, i will sending a deposit as soon you tell us closer to the the date of release, but will the curse of the werewolf be on your future list for release ?.


          • #20
            Click image for larger version

Name:	curse_of_the_werewolf_1961.jpg
Views:	484
Size:	17.7 KB
ID:	38962
            YES Paul , in fact it is set to be a 30 minute color / sound 600' digest .
            Probably out in the first quarter of 2022 , BUT it all depends on how previous releases sell .

            If you want this hobby to continue to grow , you have to support it by buying NEW releases and not by just re-cycling old , faded prints from 40 years ago !


            • #21
              I will be up for the a Curse of Frankenstein too - the 200’ B&W release from the 1960s (?) was my first ever super 8mm film. Came with a flexible plastic record that you would play for sound… sadly I lost that along the way, so this one is indeed special to me.


              • #22
                Dave, an honest question! Will the JAWS digest also include that head come bobbing out of the wrecked boat shot? My wife still jumps Everytime.


                • #23
                  I was going to ask the same question, say it is so.


                  • #24
                    Pleased you are staggering the releases Dave gives us a little time to save up.
                    The Hammer ones will be very popular with UK collectors on that gorgeous new Kodak stock beautiful
                    Well done young man


                    • #25
                      Dave, are these coming from 16mm or 35 mm? The source material ?


                      • #26
                        I can‘t wait to see some photos…
                        After watching my piccolo film cutdown I wish for an ocean which is blue, not faded🤣


                        • #27
                          Hey , you'll get PLENTY of that Oliver ! Stay tuned.......


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Xander van der Merwe View Post
                            I will be up for the a Curse of Frankenstein too - the 200’ B&W release from the 1960s (?) was my first ever super 8mm film. Came with a flexible plastic record that you would play for sound… sadly I lost that along the way, so this one is indeed special to me.
                            I had that one too. AMERICOM 8mm CURSE OF FRANKENSTEIN and I also had HORROR OF DRACULA. Both B&W unfortunately but that record I could NEVER EVER sync with the film. Haha.


                            • #29
                              Burton , the film stock is 35 mm and flat - Letterbox


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Osi Osgood View Post
                                Dave, an honest question! Will the JAWS digest also include that head come bobbing out of the wrecked boat shot? My wife still jumps Everytime.
                                Actually no Osi . There wasn't enough time to include it without going over a 30 minute edit ; that scene needed to have a " lead up to " segment that would have ran over the 30 minute limit , also to keep it very taught and moving .

