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Jurrasic Park for sale already?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Osi Osgood View Post
    Hey Mike! Did you know that ten percent of all box office dollars in the 1980's, were made by Speilberg, whether he produced, directed, or both? I know that there are a lot of people that sneer at Speilberg films, but he really was quite good, though it has been some years since he has made a great film ...... and yes, Eastwood rules! He could be in a wheel chair, waving his 45, and proclaiming, " I need someone to change my diapers, and none of that Huggies s**t ", and I'd still watch him!! Nyeah nyeah!

    Money isn’t everything Osi but it is ironic you mention that because in a way it is my main gripe about Jurassic Park. There is no edge or fear in that movie. It varies widely from the book were Hammond is a nasty piece of work not some doting Grandfather. Characters that make it to the end of the movie don’t in the book The dinosaurs are technically brilliant but none of the actors make any impact. I went to see it hoping for King Kong but effectively got Barney with a migraine in Disney World.

    Spielberg has openly admitted he toned it down to get a PG rating because that meant a bigger box audience theme park ride etc Shame really.

    J2, all I remember was it was noisy and a lot of destruction but haven’t seen it since cinema.

    J3 is a tv b movie of rehash and I would actively help the dinosaurs hunt the fleeing family

    JW rehash again saw it in the cinema was bought the DVD some Christmases ago still sealed in sellophane wrapper. Anyone wants it I will post for free.

    Getting back to super 8 that is why I passed buying the feature plus I was shown a 600 reel of feature where the stripe stuck out and you could peel it off in your hand.

    The recent digest release might actually improve the film as there isn’t much story , lots of good action and they have likely edited a lot of syrupy goo out of it.

    Last edited by Mike Newell; October 25, 2021, 04:01 AM.


    • #32
      Well put there Mike,

      I do like the first film but have to agree, like most films now it is just a money making franchise and a ride at Universal.
      It'll be interesting to see what this print will sell for in regard to what value a potential buyer will put on it.

      It would be weird if it went for around the same price or more than a new one when orders can still be taken until the end of the year. That really would show how dim some people are.

      As this thread now has over 600 views, the seller has potentially a lot more interest on his sale, no need to thank me though.
      Last edited by Tom Photiou; October 25, 2021, 06:26 AM.


      • #33
        Barney with a migraine! Now that's funny! BTW, it must be the persons camera, but if the digest had nothing but blue for the green jungle footage, this digest wouldn't have went over well in the first place, but as we know from the circulated screenshots on this forum, they are good greens.


        • #34
          Well I must comment on the free publicity the forum is giving this digest . So better think about it , December 31 is a little over 8 weeks away and after that ANY condition of this digest will be SUPER-RARE .


          • #35
            Ive been a good advert if nothing else

            Dont forget my 50% commission and free copy of all new releases.


            • #36
              What a bunch of "moaners" I wonder if its an age thing or a lack of sun.


              • #37
                Who's moaning?


                • #38
                  I'm one of the ones who bought the digest with the white spots. It really isn't that noticeable. I only wish there had been more of the T-rex paddock scene (my favorite part). Not so sure if I would sell mine even if I happen to get the feature. I own both the digest and feature to Raiders. Anyway, I've enjoyed all Jurassic Park/World movies and looking forward to the next. I just wish I had more money to buy more of Dave's films.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Graham Ritchie View Post
                    What a bunch of "moaners" I wonder if its an age thing or a lack of sun.
                    Click image for larger version

Name:	E83B0A9A-210C-4925-89C9-FC07FDE6AEFB.jpeg
Views:	280
Size:	84.3 KB
ID:	45374


                    • #40
                      Wow. Slow day on the forum. Haha.

                      Hey has anyone realized the 'gold' that coms with this film? It has a box!! A 600 ft. reel box is very hard to find these days!

                      I hope keyboardtapper sells it and makes money on it. Looks like a decent print too. If you have a problem wth the grade of 'acceptable' it really is incumbent on the buyer to ASK QUESTIONS. If the film ships and it doesn't match what the seller says the defects are - or not - then you can return it regardless of wether the seller says 'no returns'. So, ask questions.


                      • #41
                        Haven't got time to reply to you Mike or Tom as I have an important meeting at Muffin Break to go to, however I did think for a moment that above photo was your new "Avatar"..... .


                        • #42

                          While you're there I'll take a Mango Macadamia Muffin. And remember, every 5th coffee is FREE at Muffin Break!


                          • #43

                            I always look forward to the free one, I tell the girls serving me that the word "free" has a nice ring to it . I do try to time the free one so its a "large" must be my Scottish heritage coming out. I did once tell the boss there, that I had read an article that drinking coffee improves your memory, anyway that comment got his attention, he asked where did you read that?. After a pause I told him that I can't remember, if looks could kill I would be dead.

                            Actually the staff there are always pleasant to deal with and enjoy a bit of a joke

                            If you ever come out here Doug I will get you a "Mango Macadamia Muffin"


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Graham Ritchie View Post
                              Haven't got time to reply to you Mike or Tom as I have an important meeting at Muffin Break to go to, however I did think for a moment that above photo was your new "Avatar"..... .

                              Tom and me are hardly ever on the same page 🙄but we are both Good looking Boys in our prime 😛 Now that old Mango Macadamia Muffin are you and Doug eating them because it’s soft and ye have nae teeth 🦷 left to chew your food.

                              Being of Scottish extraction on one side can these Muffins be deep fried in batter to make it a macho meal.?


                              • #45
                                keyboardtapper was probably one of the earliest to receive a copy of "Jurassic Park", and after several screenings is now selling it to gain funds to order a further new film from Dave.

