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Eumig 824 -- films no longer thread

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  • #31
    Thank you, Paul. I just got it projecting again ok with a different Super 8 film, one I shot in 1984. But the other one I shot back then in the 80s sometimes projects, sometimes just blurs (mostly blurs). I'll have a go with the procedure you suggested, I assume that's the knob at the back with the white dot that has to be at 12 o'clock when removing the gate so as not to bust the claw (I might've forgotten to do that once, so this may all be my own darn fault!). Right, I'm going in... :-)

    Yes, that did the trick, Paul. Thank you!
    I am so chuffed at the help from here that I've told a misbehaving retailer to divert the money he owed for overcharging me to my nominated charity instead. Thanks everyone!
    Btw, the bulb in this projector is a Sylwania made in West Germany, so around 30 years old.

    (I attach a photo of the screws I adjusted just a mm forward or closer in towards the rectangle, in case it helps someone else in the future.)
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Rob Booker; June 09, 2020, 08:47 AM.


    • #32
      So glad to hear the good news Rob. So you really had three concurrent problems going on at the same time! Kudos to Erik for noticing that missing part. I have had to do that edge guide adjustment many times on Eumig's and Elmo's. If done right you will hit the sweet spot where all your films will run without any skidding through the gate, or any vertical jitter.
      The 824 is a wonderful projector, built like a tank. You should now have trouble free use for many years.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	EUMIG 824 UL.jpg
Views:	285
Size:	53.2 KB
ID:	11472


      • #33
        Thanks, Paul, and must be said your clear instructions made it very easy to find the problem. I anticipate that unless I had beginner's luck with the adjustment that worked first time (so far, so good) that sweet spot may take some time to find, but I will project some more films in the coming weeks and I now know what to do if the same problem recurs. A very big thank you!


        • #34
          Nice job people! I like a happy ending...

          This also made me smile: 'I am so chuffed at the help from here that I've told a misbehaving retailer to divert the money he owed for overcharging me to my nominated charity instead.'


          • #35
            :-) Rob K, someone in my house said to me that I am so clever to fix it. And I of course replied no it's not me, it's the people here (on the forum) because I wouldn't know what to do otherwise. It's Erik and Paul and everyone being clever and so kind to try to help a stranger. And the projector is working absolutely fine now, speed problem fixed too, and I'm reliving my teens with these old films which I'd forgotten I had. Thankfully only some of them went magenta! The next project is to think about an LED bulb but I think they need a driver from the circuit board because off-the-shelf ones are only equivalent to about 70W, but more importantly they don't fit the housing by a long chalk. Also, apparently they are not focused properly at the gate in some cases. If I find a way, I'll post to share the method. Thanks again all!

