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Hi Stan, I am like Chuck and have been following this thread for a bit and ready to start diving in. I was hoping as well there would be a kit to buy. Please let me know if there is such a thing. I have my own camera already.
Hello Everyone. I've enjoyed reading through the archived and this current forum. There's a lot of great work going on here!
I have a few questions, I hope you can guide me on the correct course of action.
I'm using a stock Wolverine Reels2Digital Moviemaker (not the pro version). I want to scan the movies with zero magnification, images centered, low sharpness and -0.5 light. After the scan, I want to take the footage into a video editor so that I can scale and block the footage, basically keeping the 4:3 ratio, so this will block off the top and bottom margins and of course the extra left and right. Also, change the framerate per Super 8 or 8mm.
Will this firmware work with my version of the Wolverine?
Do you feel this is the best resolution for my needs?
Is there a different firmware I should be aware of?
Hi Richard and Bradley. I sent you a private message Richard. Suggesting to go with the projector and possibly a microscope camera. There are several posts here claiming good results with the microscope that is pretty ow budget. Will dig those posts out.
Not sure Bradley, some people had issues with the upgraded firmware. Maybe post the question there.
Can I ask people with the UX226 camera to share what settings they are using in IC Capture?
Im scanning Super 8mm, but not terribly happy with exposure settings using similar settings to STan's newbie guide v13. But some of the film was originally shot with improper lighting so may try to use post-processing to fix that rather than overexposing the scan.
Is anyone else here having stability problems with virtualdub2+avisynth+videofred scripts throwing memory errors? Last time I used this stuff was c onverting interlaced DV and 3:2 pulldown years ago back on Wind XP/7. Now on windows 10 x64, I'm getting intermittent memory errors running Option4.avs, with the scanned resolution is RGB32 2560x1920. As much as I love Avisynth, using 10+ year old 32 bit DLLs seems like its in need of a refreshed approach.
One big tip for those struggling with Avisynth/Videofred on Windows 10 - certain 32 bit DLLs must be copied into SysWOW64. I moved fftw3.dll and also had to find and copy 2 other DLLs there.
I am new at this board and has as many else here a box full of old 8 mm and super 8 film. I have been reading about the Hawkeye and seen pictures here on the board that looks
great compared to Wolverine original. I recently started to look for ways of digitize all these films and found the Wolverine Moviemaker Pro which I am going to buy since I cant find anything better for the money with the Hawkeye upgrade installed.
I wonder if there is any possibility that you help me with a "Hawkeye" kit to upgrade the Wolverine?
Hi Patrik,
I can definitely help you here. The Hawkeye kit is still available but I am getting it assembled in China. It is just too much soldering for my old eyes and hands. I will let you know when the kit is available and the price. The price may come down with the automated assembly but not sure yet.
Best regards
Hey Stan, you must be typing with 2 keyboards, the forums look busy and your name is on most of the threads!!!
Just thought I look in. I've still not resumed my last project. Too much Christmas.
I noticed someone above, #1487, going down the firmware rabbit hole and tried to warn him though it's been a month. I went there before finding Hawkeye. Yes the stock Wolverine captures look bad, but the modified firmware makes it worse.
Every room in my house has a keyboard Dave . Just trying to help any way I can. But must admit, it is getting hard to keep track of everything. Yes the modified firmware is not the right way to go. I looked into that as well several years back and really struggled with it. In any case let me know when you are ready to continue with the projects. I am currently trying to help the Workprinter owners with the sw. It is coming along pretty good.
I had kinda the same issue. The film would move 3 frames, then skip a frame and continue. The reason I had that issue was I did not have both sides of the film under those 3 very small tabs . On my unit two black tabs in the front and one white in the back to hold the film in place. Fixed my issue. Manual is not real clear, because it is easy to miss. And hard to see on the editor. Make sure you have adequate light aimed, so you can see those two tabs.
Last edited by Rick Boyer; March 27, 2023, 09:30 PM.