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Gregory Oliver I have the wiring diagram for the Eumig Somatic 824 if you think that would help. PM me with your request.
@Maurice... The 5-pin socket in the front lower far right side of both the Eumig 810 and the 824 is an Output socket that can be connected to an external amplifier.
some projectors just dont have Line out, which is allways the best option for getting audio to another recorder. i have a little boc called a line transformer, the speaker cable (in my instance also the two pin din connector) goes on the input and line comes out of the other side. yes the volume control of the projector doe affect the signal but it is a safe solution if you dont want to much voltage going to your recorder. if it has a line out, allways use that one
I should make myself clear.
When I was referring Gregory to my earlier comment about the DIN socket being IN only, I was referring to the original question about the Eumig S905.
I am aware of the difference with this socket on the earlier 800 models.
Thanks! I assume that 1-2-3 are left, right, and common. Now that there isn't anymore Radio-Shacks I will have to see if I can find the plug at Fry's (near here) or mail order it and play.
It's been years since I had my soldering gun out.
Sorry, Janice, but the reference back is for the wiring of the 2-pin DIN speaker plug. I should refer Gregory to your posting number 17 which shows an illustration from the Eumig manual for wiring the high impendence output plug.