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Whatever it's last projected film was, it must have been standard 8mm judging by the position of the track switch. Steve is right about the Aluminum corrosion, and chances are that this machine has seen submersion in sea water (back to my Titanic theory!) . I think I would be willing to pay $15.00 for it, in the hope of retrieving at least a few spare parts out of it.
I'm also amazed at how many items are listed for sale on Ebay without even a minimum attempt to clean them up. I quick wipe-down with a dust cloth could have made this projector look 100% better.
If you were selling something, wouldn't you investigate the going rate? Who dreams up these ridiculous prices? With a little persuasion I might be convinced it's worth a dollar for their cheek!
Looking more closely I can see the super 8 reel adapter sitting on the top of the projector along with one of the interchangeable sprockets (the rear one). For a machine that looks so unloved I'm surprised to see them still there not lost many years ago.
I see a nice one on Ebay sold for 249.95. They must have some value. He is also taking offers so he may take $50. I think a lot of these garage sale buyers pick things up for a song and a dance and put a high price on something but also take offers. They are expecting to sell it cheaper than the list price and still make a pretty penny over what they paid for it. I have a mint S804D and have not idea what it is worth.
i have two of those and even combined i have not paid 150 dollars, or euros, ot whatever. in that state maybe 25 euro's to play around with it and if its too bad its a part source.