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» 8mm Forum   » 8mm Forum   » CineSea 12 coming up October 10th!

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Author Topic: CineSea 12 coming up October 10th!
Douglas Meltzer

Posts: 4554
From: New York, NY, USA
Registered: Jun 2003

 - posted September 06, 2015 01:33 PM      Profile for Douglas Meltzer   Email Douglas Meltzer   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
In just a little over a month, our 12th Film Collectors Show will take place in Wildwood, New Jersey over Columbus Day weekend. The full day/night event takes place on Saturday, October 10th, but there will be a feature screening on the evening of Friday, October 9th.

CineSea is an intimate gathering of people who love film. We talk about films all weekend. We watch films all weekend. We buy/sell/trade films all weekend. Not only are there tables full of film & equipment in gauges from 8mm to 35mm, there's also the beach, the boardwalk, the amusement park (open on Saturday & Sunday) and the best part...meeting with people who enjoy this terrific hobby. The Saturday show starts at 10 AM and numerous projectors will be running non-stop. Of course, we'll have our group dinner on Saturday and then we'll start our Saturday night screenings which in the past have run past 1 AM.

If you have film or equipment to sell, 6 foot dealer tables are available for $20. You can rent as many as you like. Lou Franchetti will be there with stacks of 8mm and 16mm. To reserve a table you can email/PM me or Lou.

As for that Friday night screening, if you're coming to the convention and have a print you'd like to show, please list the title/format here and we'll have an online survey to pick the winner.

An important note: Since this is a holiday weekend, The Ocean Holiday Resort has told us that reservations should be made as soon as possible. There are a number of events in Wildwood that weekend so be sure to book now (at the same low rates!).

The Ocean Holiday Resort
6501 Ocean Avenue
Wildwood Crest, NJ 08260
609-729-2900 (mention "Film Show" to receive special rate of $65.00 per room)
Reserve early to get Oceanfront rooms with private balconies!

CineSea 12 details:

October 9th, Friday Evening: Times TBA
Early dinner, Friday Night Feature Screening
Admission: Free

October 10th, Saturday
Hours: 10 AM – 5:30 PM, dinner break, continuous screenings late into the night.
Admission: $5.00, free to those who are staying at the Ocean Holiday.

October 11th, Sunday
Hours: 10 AM - TBA

From North; Garden State Parkway to Exit 4, follow Rio Grande Ave to end. Right on Ocean Ave. Follow to Ocean Holiday on left 6501 Ocean Ave. From West and South;Rt 76 (east) or Rt 95 (north) to Walt Whitman Bridge. Follow Rt. 42 to Atlantic City Expressway. Take Exit 7 (Garden St Parkway South) Follow same as north.

Past Events:
Claus Harding's pictures from CineSea 11 & CineSea X
CineSea 9, CineSea 9 (2). There's also the CineSea 6 Video, and Claus' CineSea 5 trailer.

I think there's room for just one more film.....

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Steve Klare
Film Guy

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From: Long Island, NY, USA
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 - posted September 06, 2015 10:12 PM      Profile for Steve Klare     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
One way to look at CineSea is it's a weekend long good mood. The people are happy to be there, relaxed and enjoying themselves.

This mood is a downright tangible thing and contagious as well. The first time my wife came with us, we reached our exit and were heading down Rio Grande Avenue when out of the blue she said "I think this is going to be a great weekend.".

It's not that my wife was hoping to score a few nice prints or was really looking forward to the Saturday Night show (still hadn't been there...), it's just that inside that minivan still fifteen minutes out my son and I were already giving off that CineSea Vibe and she was picking it up!

Beyond what films there are or what we do while we are there, this is what CineSea is like: It just feels good.

This is a great thing because it takes a bunch of scattered hobbyists and it allows us to become a community, for the weekend and afterwards too. It's not only "good for the hobby", but for the people involved too. If nothing else the next time you thread up that machine at home, you have a sense you really aren't alone!

It even changes Forum life, since the names, avatars and text become the people they really are. You think of them differently and respond to them the same way.

Those of us that hold this thing near and dear are always urging people who haven't been to give it a shot. This is because part of the joy of this is having a new face show up with an old name attached to it: somebody we know in the two dimensional Forum World now there three dimensionally in full color and sound!

-imagine how the same thing looks from the point of view of the new one? (Let me tell you some time: I'll always remember it.)

So depending on your circumstances, come for an hour, or a day, or the whole shebang.

-Walk, bike, drive or fly. Paddle a canoe, commandeer a skateboard, buy a pogo stick or steal a horse. (OK...rent one!)

-just get there!

I'm betting you'll be pleased you did!

All I ask is a wide screen and a projector to light her by...

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Joe Caruso
Film God

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 - posted September 07, 2015 12:30 PM      Profile for Joe Caruso     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
I'll be bringing several films to show, let's start a survey with A&C MEET FRANKENSTEIN and WHEN COMEDY WAS KING (Once I get the first two segments onto reels, Doug please help if you can) - Now, I'll have several 400' and 200' subjects to sell/show, including cartoons, novelties and such, if you want me to list them I will, but rather they be surprises - Shorty

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Louis Franchetti
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 - posted September 07, 2015 12:37 PM      Profile for Louis Franchetti   Author's Homepage   Email Louis Franchetti   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
I cant wait but i will

Louis Franchetti

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Gary Crawford
Jedi Master Film Handler

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 - posted September 08, 2015 07:57 AM      Profile for Gary Crawford     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
I am, as always, SOOOOO looking forward to it. Anyone who loves 16mm, 8mm...or any type of film and equipment...and loves to talk to people who like to talk about films and equipment, should come. it's a lovely time.

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Todd N. Tuckey
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 - posted October 01, 2015 08:41 AM      Profile for Todd N. Tuckey   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
I will be coming with my whole family...Friday night to Sunday afternoon! Looking forward to a weekend of fun! Todd

Todd N. Tuckey

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Andrew Woodcock
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 - posted October 01, 2015 09:36 AM      Profile for Andrew Woodcock         Edit/Delete Post 
The enthusiasm Steve and others generate for this event is truly both wonderful and magical and indeed infectious!

Hope all goes well for you guys as usual and cannot wait to see the next instalment of screenshots on here from this year's event. Good luck to you all!

"C'mon Baggy..Get with the beat"

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Joe Caruso
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 - posted October 01, 2015 10:35 AM      Profile for Joe Caruso     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Andrew, I hope sometime you and fellow collectors will fly over here for our show - It's wonderful to say the least - In turn, I hope to get over at Blackpool - Please stay tuned - Cheers, Shorty

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Thad Ficarra
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 - posted October 07, 2015 02:09 PM      Profile for Thad Ficarra   Author's Homepage   Email Thad Ficarra   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
As a newbie to the forum (but not to film collecting), I've been reading /viewing the CineSea posts & videos and all I can say is: I'm going to do my best to get up there on Saturday and introduce myself to all you good folks-- whom I know are kindred spirits of the celluloid kind! [Smile]


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Douglas Meltzer

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 - posted October 07, 2015 05:15 PM      Profile for Douglas Meltzer   Email Douglas Meltzer   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 

That would be wonderful if you could make it!


I think there's room for just one more film.....

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Steve Klare
Film Guy

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 - posted October 07, 2015 06:26 PM      Profile for Steve Klare     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Today my son told his Social Studies teacher he's going to a film collector's convention this weekend.

The guy's eyebrows arched way up and he said:

"What do you mean by 'film'??"

-seems he's a 16mm guy!

They ARE out there!

All I ask is a wide screen and a projector to light her by...

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Jack Cleveland
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 - posted October 07, 2015 08:15 PM      Profile for Jack Cleveland   Email Jack Cleveland   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
I'd love to meet you since I live down near the beaches just a few hours from you. I have a cousin who lives in Rockville who I visit often. Come say hi!

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Thad Ficarra
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 - posted October 08, 2015 02:58 PM      Profile for Thad Ficarra   Author's Homepage   Email Thad Ficarra   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Thank you Doug and Jack for your kind words of invitation! I have a baby collection (comparatively speaking) which comprises equal parts Super 8, 16mm and a dash of Standard 8.
I got the OK to go from the family. My two boys are 4 and 2--too young right now, but I am beginning their education about film. They are allowed to briefly touch one of daddy's rewinds--I have an empty 16mm reel on one one of them--and they can turn the crank handle--and that's it for now.
Cheers- Thad [Smile]


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Steve Klare
Film Guy

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 - posted October 10, 2015 06:17 AM      Profile for Steve Klare     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 

Friday night at CineSea, Abbott and Costello did indeed Meet Frankenstein, just as we'd hoped!

Following it, we saw a couple of really nice 16mm Bugs Bunnies courtesy of Gary Sloan (Around then the drive down finally caught up with me and I gave up for the night.)

We've been doing this a while and have accumulated a cast of characters that all make this what it is, so every time one of the regulars arrives a cheer goes up! ("Norrrrm!")

By the official script, CineSea hasn't really even started yet, but we are meeting for breakfast in about a half hour and it will start the way all good things do: Coffee!

All I ask is a wide screen and a projector to light her by...

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Joe Caruso
Film God

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 - posted October 11, 2015 07:34 PM      Profile for Joe Caruso     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
On behalf of the late John Black, whose vision gave us the glow to bask in, thank you all most warmly - Special kudos to Simone for her help and care for us, Doug being the keeper of film editing and knowledge, Claus, whose work is worth a thousand pictures, and the CINESEA collectors who remain loyal and cherished - Shorty

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Bill Brandenstein
Phenomenal Film Handler

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 - posted October 13, 2015 03:39 PM      Profile for Bill Brandenstein     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Pictures! We want pictures!

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Bill Brandenstein
Phenomenal Film Handler

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 - posted October 14, 2015 04:03 PM      Profile for Bill Brandenstein     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Thank you, Claus!

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