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Eventful exercise today passing many pensioners also walking. It didn't dawn on me until I passed a medical centre they were all heading for the Jab, quite surreal but nice to see many looking good about it.
Local nurse under strain God bless them all world wide told me we have nearly 350 cases in our local hospital. It was under 100 last year oh so saddening.
We're still maxing on veg/fruit, Vit D and daily gentle walks as instructed which is about as much as we can do in addition to precautions.
The poor NHS staff are in a right state the poor things.
People moan about wearing a mask for 10 or 15 mins in a shop while nurses etc are in full on PPE clobber for up to 12 hours sometimes 5 days a week !!! and plus the pressure and heat etc etc.
Some nurses looking after 3,4, 5, and even 6 patients in serious need of care instead of one !!!
Lets hope the vaccines work well, and they can adapt them too.
I got into an exchange on Facebook with an idiot decrying wearing "Muzzles" that made you breathe "Polluted air". Did he forget all those pictures of cities with traffic fumes making everyone wear face masks??
At that rate everyone will have it before the vaccine is rolled out. You are pretty bunged in over there in terms of population. You can run around in the fields all my yourself over here. Just can’t get certain foods because of brexit. Cant wait until April when it will be customs labels for everything.
A lot of mass hysteria Mark. There were some gaps I think it is more small traders being affected like speciality cheese sellers etc. Sainsbury were caught out importing milk from GB suddenly they are selling all local Spar products in their stores. New food chains will be set up eventually. Prices were rising before COVID but brexit hasn’t helped expect inflation to reduce debts. Over 70s being vaccinated in February so maybe everyone will be done by summer.
8mm prices will keep rising like all real products. Did you see the poster found in a Welsh cinema after being stored under carpet for 60 years. One poster alone FOH for Stagecoach sold for £30,000 😍
Talking of exit. Don't mention customs to me as I've been battling with the French to get some stock in and so wish I had the option of sending it last December. Many other businesses I know of are suffering trying to export and they as with mine eventually wind up in a warehouse. My courier eventually gets given a very small window to go collect it but with such short notice near impossible with the Covid thing as well.
To date they have had 6 windows to collect it but unable to make the slot. Then we have the VAT nightmare of paperwork and much hoop jumping.
I feel very sorry for our fresh food suppliers who have wasted tons of produce to import stupidity and all this with many around the world going hungry. Feel sorry for the trees as well with all this new paperwork to be printed and completed.
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Maurice , You are right 😆😆? is this part of big Brexit plan? I’m all fading away like the “Invisible Man” Belfast my man or as a car rental guy in Louisiana once said to me. Isn’t that part of Belgium? Of course it is just give me the car.
I believe infection rates are currently well below inoculation rates in the UK. And possibly (though it is impossible to know how many non symptomatic cases there were) the number vaccinated exceeds the number who have had Covid-19.