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Classic Home Cinema's latest list details films they'll be bringing this year....believe me, you won't want to miss the selection to be sold on the big day!
Final call for dealers....Elaine needs your booking and payment now.
In saying that, I am some what surprised after seeing the TV news here only just yesterday, "and I don't want to sound to negative", but of the increase in numbers of cases of people infected with the Covid virus, particular in England, that you are still going ahead with it.. anyway all the best, but take care, look forward to the photos.
Graham - I'm pleased to say that although cases WERE increasing in the UK, we have peaked and figures are starting to reduce. The number of positive cases in the last 7 days was 4% lower than the previous week, and we can expect this decline to have picked up by 19 Nov. One prominent scientist (although there are always differing opinions) has predicted an 85% reduction by Christmas.
Simon - That CHC list including many premium features is remarkable, and I hope to find one in particular when I reach their stall! Super 8 feature collectors can be reassured that the CHC stall alone will leave them spoilt for choice.
I imagine that there will be a lot of people getting there early to be at the head of the admission queue. I saw that list on their Facebook page so may others wil have seen it earlier than when the list arrived.
Tables ARE still available for the Blackpool Film Fair; interested dealers must ring Elaine Guest on 07931457817 for any information about the film fair, or return their booking form with payment asap to Elaine.
Thankyou Si for the help. Have spoken to dear Elaine and now booked in. Booking a table is a great way to have a clear out of unwanted film items and support this excellent event the largest in the UK! Well done Elaine and the whole team for such a magical weekend. Be seeing you!
Last edited by Lee Mannering; October 29, 2021, 04:49 AM.
I heard from a Blackpool regular - and then checked this with Sally at The Grand - that the Film Fair allocation of rooms (at discounted prices) is now fully booked, at least in relation to the Saturday night. But there are of course reasonably-priced rooms still available from other nearby hotels and B&Bs, and if you scroll up you'll find David's post with a list featuring some of these, complete with their 'phone numbers.
Speaking of which, my daughter and I are greatly looking forward to the marvellous, Saturday evening dinner at the Grand. Exquisite food, jolly company. Along with the quiz, top drawer raffle prizes, and film show, what is there not to like?
And the Illuminations will be shining bright, hoping to walk them with a few collectors after the Sunday event yay! Quite a weekend in store and so much hard work going on behind the scenes well done to the team.
Looking forward to see all my mates again...and I will bring films to swap and show...Cheers, Shorty...if only I could find those elusive Edgar Kennedy subjects
I look forward to seeing you there Joe.
Final arrangements are being made; tonight I'm arranging with Mark Norton over the phone which films are going to be shown at The Saturday Cinema.
We can now confirm some details for The Saturday Cinema; we will show films from 10 for 10.30am, with recent releases (most currently still available), in the morning, followed by the very latest releases in the afternoon; Jurassic Park from 1.30pm, Godzilla from 2.00pm, then moving to Star Wars and James Bond 007 opening sequences after that. Venue in the hotel to be announced.
Wow what a brilliant advert for Super 8 this is. Anybody who thinks Super 8 is just pink horror films and L&H should be there on the Saturday . Cant wait for my Jaws to be delivered soon.
I'm bringing some choice items to show, including John Wayne Trailers, Shadows on the Snow and Symphony of a City (Arne Sucksdorff), Hollywood Picnic (Lovely cartoon with many movie favorites), and of course, and Edgar Kennedy short...some surprises, what I don't show will be on the sell-table - Cheers, Shorty
Fabulous job guys. I shall be fetching 6 minutes of film if time permits to fit in 2 new trailers. Also found a new old stock of Wizard of oz 400ft newly dubbed in 4K Stereo. Appreciate may not be time to show it tho.