Well, i woke up to the news, confirmed, that the new DC Comic Superman, Jon Kent Son of Clark Kent is going to be bisexual. So we can see which way the films going to go. Oh dear!!!
Jerry Siegel will be turning in his grave, yet again film goers, everything is being change to suit a few. Will anyone in the film world/comic world actually say no the this kind of pathetic nonsense? No doubt a film will follow and i for one will never watch it.
I guess i ponders to todays Uni brainwashed generation.
Jerry Siegel will be turning in his grave, yet again film goers, everything is being change to suit a few. Will anyone in the film world/comic world actually say no the this kind of pathetic nonsense? No doubt a film will follow and i for one will never watch it.
I guess i ponders to todays Uni brainwashed generation.