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Wolverine-Hawkeye Telecine

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  • There is a lot to take in, wish I had started post production earlier. Thanks Stan for helping with the Dirt filter. I have added your changes to my Option4.avs. What helped me was copying the lines from the forum and pasting them directly into the avs. There must have been 10-15 errors.

    When copying from the forum, extra formatting is hiding the pasted script! Seems like I remember this from some time ago.

    I fixed them all! The error message provides the line number and column position and eventually I got the script to run!

    There is another Dirt filter available for Vdub. Spent a lot of time with both and the AVISYNTH version is best. Vdub filters are easier to use and often have descriptions and live feedback of the sliders.

    The artifacts I had from a couple of days ago came from the Dirt filter. Too much "strength" together with fast motion in the scene will turn to a mess. The cartoon I've been using has been out in the open at various positions on the rewinds. It had lots of dust that could have been wiped clean with a cloth, but it was a great mess for testing the Dirt filter.

    I've not been able to see any differences when changing the Denoising strength. That is part of the Dirt filter magic. Default at 300, I've had it at 900 and 1.

    Remove dirt completely cleans up the scene at dirt_strengtht=80 and remove the artifacts. I had first tried it at 100. Except for a scene change. The last frame of the scene and the first frame of the next are not cleaned. There is a forwardclense and backwardclense function I need to find for last/first frame of scene changes.

    Kamel, you might be able to sell your 12mm and 72BUOC to someone building the Hawkeye upgrade. Helps defray the cost.

    So many many filters to try..................


    • Nice work David. Ah, yes remember the script copy and paste issues. What a pain.
      HTML tags should have helped.
      I ran into issue when using stabilize ahead of the dirt filter with the hi rez clip.


      • Thank you everybody for your help and advice.

        Stan, My films are intended to be viewed on a large TV set but also by video projection.

        Good idea David, Sure enough, a better camera would be nice for me.

        I will think about all of this...


        • What resolution is your large TV Kamel?


          • Stan, it's a 4k Sony TV. 3840x2160 25p (55'').


            • Perhaps you can try my BUC02 and UX226 clips side by side on your tv.


              • Kamel, I had the same thoughts as Stan. Why wait to find out! A side by side comparison will answer your questions.

                Your tv viewing distance might be out of range to see details at full resolution.


                4K.............................1080 (2K)


                • Stan, David, thanks for your suggestions.
                  4K can be interesting to have a better margin for post-production.
                  Zoom cropping, ... and conform in HD with better quality.
                  The ux226 is slightly better than the Buc02.
                  I'll think about whether it's worth it.

                  can you capture directly in 4K? 3860x2160 with the Ux226?


                  • Hi Kamel, here is the qoute I got (in addition it is about 150€ in Norwegian taxes) Click image for larger version

Name:	Skjermbilde 2020-11-07 kl. 17.00.17.png
Views:	266
Size:	70.4 KB
ID:	20413
                    Still waiting for spacers and lens extenders to test this camera.
                    I was denied to buy that from Amazon - so I had to order for China, and it takes forever...

                    Really looking forward to try this setup
                    Remember do find a decent USB cable that supports this hight USB speed, otherwise the computer will complain!


                    • Testing the UX178 camera at full resolution with the 16mm lens.
                      Overscan resolution 3072x2048
                      Usable resolution 2600x2000

                      This clip is unprocessed and taken at 2 FPS at full resolution.
                      16mm lens used. A camera mounting adapter board used with the effective spacer length equal to 14mm.


                      • Hey Kamel, yes the 37ux226 captures up to 4000x3000 which is greater than UHD 4K.

                        BUT, it would take a longer lens than 16mm to fill the sensor without the framing and perforations on the film. Sadly, the M12 lenses jump from 16 up to 25mm. If the 25mm could work it would take an extended adjustable mount that would be outside the Hawkeye's container. I think, never did an estimate.

                        I've been testing a plugin called Super_Resolution that can double the capture size and adds extra detail from the adjacent frames. I sharpen large, then shrink back down. The plan is to over sharpen a little, and lose the artifacts by shrinking back down to something closer to 2K.

                        Seems to work, but I need to test with some real footage, this cartoon I've been using is not very detailed. Maybe it can help you to achieve 4K from something smaller? It claims to be better than simply resizing.


                        • Hi Stan, would be good if and when possible to compare the same footage from the UX226 and UX178, but only if its not too much work or trouble.
                          Thanks Stan


                          • I am working on it Bruce. Noticed one problem. Although the IC Capture does not report dropped frames I see half of the frames missing in the destination dir when the resolution is set to the highest. Will look into it tomorrow.


                            • Thank you Stan for your advances and useful experiences for the community.

                              David, I will try super resolution plugin (I work with Davinci resolve).
                              I had already thought of 16mmm but never tried.

                              Thanks Jarle, but I cannot order directly from TIS.
                              In France, we have to go through the French importer (European rules).
                              But at the moment, I haven't decided which camera to choose.
                              I would like 4K because I have a lot of post-production to do on my films. Still in thought...


                              • Kamel, the super resolution I am testing is located here.

                                It is free, but requires registration. There are two versions, both available with a single registration, a plugin for Avisynth and VirtualDub.

                                I'm not sure of this process, I think it can possibly increase detail and size.

                                Cameras and projectors use mechanical pixel shifting to create higher resolution. I have seen a 2k projector use pixel shifting to create 4k and it was surprising. 4K projectors are expensive.

                                Some cameras from Olympus and Sony use it because color sensors do not have a one to one resolution. Cameras must be on a tripod and capture still life shots, but that's not true for the projectors.

