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  • Re AviSynth:
    Thanks for posting Mattias. I wanted to add a few words of explanation.
    AviSynth is a program that enables you to write a video script that to most video players appears as a video file.
    The first thing is to install AviSynth.
    You can do that by running the batch file as Mattias suggested. Or you can just install it from
    if you do not want to fiddle with the batch files and that is what I did.

    I suggest you run a simple script as per the instructions in
    Use your media player or ffplay or VirtualDubMod and open up the script just like another video file to make sure it runs ok.

    Then you will need some real scripts. I got mine from the Vide Fred's installation.
    Check the scripts subdirectory
    The one I used is option4 with some mods.

    Not sure if AvsPmod link that Mattias posted has any real script samples?
    But this is essential because you cannot just go and start turning the scripts out.

    Once you have the sample script you do not really need AvsPmod. Just use the text editor and fix up the paths to you video file. Then open it with Media Player or ffplay or VirtualDub and see if anything needs fixing.
    Looks through the script and try grasp the main parts of it such as resolutions and some of the filters used etc. Post a question here if you do not understand something.

    Then you can move into AvsPmod for script editing if you want to go that way (I just use notepad+)
    I also want to mention AvsMeter tool. It is very handy for troubleshooting problems with the plugins.


    • Thanks Stan,

      I have 2 MSPs in my parts in stock. I also have a Dev board to flash the FW.
      I was afraid to extend the pulse of the MSP because I do not know the impact on the reliability of the sync of the trigger of the camera.
      I'm assuming you've fine-tuned this to avoid jitter. Tests to do, to think about ...


      • You can always switch back. Let me know if you need help with this.


        • OK Stan, thank you very much.
          you have already helped me a lot.
          If I can help you too, it will be my pleasure.


          • Thanks Kamel.


            • Well, I'm going to remove AVIsynth and start over. I read warnings online about lingering registry values from one version becoming mixed up with newer installs.

              Nothing works, not even Video Fred's scripts. Something is missing or corrupt.

              AVIsynth+ and 3.0 were written to handle color depths above 24bit. I don't know if that will be problem with future 64bit captures. Since that will be for HDR, once blended (with Enfuse) they could be saved as 24bit before running AVIsynth scripts. Or, it might not matter.

              Virtualdub has a script editor built in, even so I just use Notepad. I'm only there to change paths and maybe some settings.

              Those film transfers you made are Very good Mattias!


              • Thanks


                • Have you tried the version.avs file David.
                  The file has a single line in it:

                  Here I ran it from VirtualDub2.
                  File->Open Video File->Version.avs
                  Click image for larger version

Name:	version_avs.png
Views:	381
Size:	22.3 KB
ID:	17532


                  • David Brown here you have my Avisynth + plugins
                    you have only the 32bit Plugins to if you do not want to use AvisynthRepository

                    copy AvisynthRepository to C drive root then you do not need to edit setavs.cmd before you run it
                    but it's better to copy it somewhere else but then you have to edit the path in setavs.cmd

                    you run setavs.cmd only when you install Avisynth or when you want to uninstall it

                    i have only test AvisynthRepository in one other computer and it did work but im not 100% that it works for you

                    C:\AvisynthRepository\AVSPLUS_x86\plugins that is the 32bit Plugin directory where you add more plugins if you need
                    but you can edit that to in setavs.cmd

                    there are plugins in C:\AvisynthRepository\AVS260_MT\plugins but it's a mix of 32bit and 64bit but i do not use that plugin directory and AvisynthRepository do not use it you can delete it if you want i have it only there if i need some old plugins

                    C:\AvisynthRepository\AVSPLUS_x64\plugins that is the 64bit Plugin directory where you add more plugins if you need
                    but you can edit that to in setavs.cmd

                    you see better what to do in POST Nr:1029 here
                    Last edited by Mattias Norberg; September 27, 2020, 08:34 PM.


                    • Yes Stan, version and subtitles both worked. Loading image files and avis cause the crash???
                      Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2020-09-27 201108.jpg
Views:	384
Size:	14.7 KB
ID:	17539

                      I'm a little burned out on AVIsynth for a while. I'm moved on to Enfuse. I've added the plugin to Lightroom and it seems fine, but I won't be processing the movie captures there. I think I'll get your updates too and give that a go!

                      Just incase there's interest .The LR plugin was made for LR2, but it still works with the cloud version.


                      • Here is what I do David:
                        - Use my app to get the hdr lo and hi captures
                        - use enfuse to produce the hdr output
                        - use Fred's script to get the final video

                        You can send me the error log via email. Also maybe you can share a clip that gives you the problem and the script that you use. I can help you debug it since your AviSynth installation seems to be OK.


                        • Hi all, thanks for your contributions, I found the latest version of Film9 to work very well in place of VideoFreds script, they have updated it (some plugins) and it no longer suffers from the start up dialog box popping telling you there are missing items.
                          I had a S8 wedding film that was very grainy (really bad like ants crawling on the screen) Film9 did a very good job of removing almost all of it, VideoFred did not perform very well.
                          Regards - Bruce


                          • Good input Bruce. I also noticed that for Video Fred to excel the film has to be in good condition. Does not work very well with the poor film quality.


                            • Need some help from Kamel, Bruce and David on capstan. We have 3 different designs. Can you point me to your latest files for the back pulley, pulley front, toothed pulley and smooth pulley for both R8 and S8 and perhaps a few notes on how it works for you. Would like to order some of these from Shapeways and try them. This way we have a universal solution and anybody can order it from the single supplier. At this point there is not much demand for it but later on people could start asking. I did try some parts that you kindly sent me and they worked quite well with the motor in the 1st position and there was not much sideways jitter when I aligned the two retaining screws so that the cog wheel is almost perfectly parallel with the front panel.
                              This is for S8 (parts from David)
                              R8 also works and the design was from Kamel but not his latest design because I had to drill a through hole to use two retaining screws.


                              • Stan,
                                Here are my latest STL designs. I put pictures for some files.
                                I tried to classify the best to navigate. Not everything is useful but I left more flexibility and that leaves more choice.
                                (for example for those who do not want to put brass inserts or print in TPU rubber). I hope this will suit you.


                                it starts to make a lot of 3D files to print at a certain cost.
                                Maybe the time has come for your project to invest in an 3D Printer ...
                                You will see, It's really quite exciting...

