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DIY real-time 8mm/S8mm telecine system sample footage

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  • Originally posted by Alwyn Adkins View Post
    Stan, your YT is set to Private.
    I forgot. There was a copyright issues.
    Send me a private message and I will share the content.


    • Originally posted by Rich Halbert View Post

      Robert: This is super helpful! Unfortunately for you, your answers put more questions in my head!! Here goes:
      1. Do you know of any third-party service doing transfers with the Lasergraphics Scanstation?
      2. Stan mentioned using the Elmo ST-180 for transfers involving sound. And you mentioned the Chinon Sound 6100. I actually own a Eumig Mark S 802 D but the reverser doesn't work and it has no audio out port. The question is can I modify any of these a la the Sankyo and just have one projector transfer setup or do I need to do both? Sounds like the Sankyo is easily mod-able which must be why so many do it. I am not sure I have any tapes without sound.
      Thanks again for all the help! Down another rabbit hole I goooooooooooooooooooooo.................
      Hi Rich,

      There's a bunch of scanners that use the Scanstation or similar systems. Just search for a professional motion picture scanning service. Cinelab ( is one I looked into in the past, but it would have cost about $2000 to have my films scanned, so I went the DIY route. Considering how much money and time I've spent going the DIY route, I probably should have just sent them my films and been done with it :-). But, it's been a fun process/hobby to learn about.

      My opinion is that just about any consumer grade 8mm or Super 8 projector can be modified for digitizing, especially if you're projecting directly into a camcorder or other "real time" camera setup. The Sankyo is a nice option as it's very well made, pretty easy to find at reasonable prices and runs both 8mm and Super 8 film. As for lack of audio out on the Eumig, you can convert the speaker input wires to line level with something like this: Even for sound projectors that have a line out jack, it's usually speaker level not line level anyway. I use that converter on my Chinon.

      I've found that film scanning is nothing but rabbit holes!

      Last edited by Robert Held; March 06, 2025, 10:41 AM.


      • Hi!

        E.g. is using a ScanStation. But there should be many more companies in the USA

        I don’t know your projector, but various websites claim that it has got a connector for an external speaker. The speaker‘s plug most likely has to be shaped like in the attached image. Otherwise it most likely a has to have a DIN plug. The connector is most likely on the „rear side“ or under the take up reel. („Front side“ = the side with all the buttons/knobs/…)
        But be careful: The sound for an external speaker is already amplified. Hence it might be „too loud“ for your sound recording device. Hence, you probably don’t only need a cheap Chinese adapter, but also a „reducer“ (sorry, I don’t know the correct English term).

        Good luck with your experiments!
        Attached Files


        • Originally posted by Joerg Polzfusz View Post

          E.g. is using a ScanStation. But there should be many more companies in the USA

          I don’t know your projector, but various websites claim that it has got a connector for an external speaker. The speaker‘s plug most likely has to be shaped like in the attached image. Otherwise it most likely a has to have a DIN plug. The connector is most likely on the „rear side“ or under the take up reel. („Front side“ = the side with all the buttons/knobs/…)
          But be careful: The sound for an external speaker is already amplified. Hence it might be „too loud“ for your sound recording device. Hence, you probably don’t only need a cheap Chinese adapter, but also a „reducer“ (sorry, I don’t know the correct English term).

          Good luck with your experiments!
          My projector does in fact have that input. Do you know where I could get that plug (and wire)? I could probably put some in-line dial to adjust the volume.


          • Rich, I used one of these to get audio from my Eumig 820 external speaker socket to my computer (looks like the same plug a Joerg's):


            and use this to reduce the level:


            I was initially using the Line-out via a 5 Pin DIN plug but it had a bad hum, so I am using the external speaker socket with the above bits.


            • There are several adapters like this one to cinch. Here in Germany you can normally get them in any electronics store (brick & mortar or online) and in many hifi stored. In the USA? No clue - Amazon? eBay? Directly from China (Wish, Aliexpress,…)?
              Attached Files


              • Originally posted by Alwyn Adkins View Post
                Rich, I used one of these to get audio from my Eumig 820 external speaker socket to my computer (looks like the same plug a Joerg's):


                and use this to reduce the level:


                I was initially using the Line-out via a 5 Pin DIN plug but it had a bad hum, so I am using the external speaker socket with the above bits.
                OK - I found the connector. Assume you just spliced a stereo RCA into that and then attached that to the Attenuator?


                • Originally posted by Rich
                  Assume you just spliced a stereo RCA into that and then attached that to the Attenuator?


                  • Well - I was wrong. I bought the connectors above thinking they would work in my projector’s audio out but I in fact have a different one. Anyone recognize the attached photo and an example of the required connector?


                    • It is a DIN loudspeaker socket and requires a male DIN plug like this. they should be available on EBay in the USA, The picture comes from the UK Ebay site.
                      Attached Files


                        You‘ll need a cable/adapter with a DIN 41529 loudspeaker plug on one end and e.g. cinch or 3.5mm TS plug on the other end. Or you will have to get yourself such a plug and solder it to a cable (as already proposed by Brian).


                        • Unless you are a purist there should only be two wires connected to the back of that jack. You can remove it and put any flavor connector you want. Just a thought.

