Just Five Minutes until Show-Time: let's head to the snack bar!
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Not a BluRay at all but a DVD with over an hour of Drive-In movie daysets. It showed up today so I put it through the VP just to check it out.
The basic idea is when we have people over to see a show, we start this as soon as we see that first car so there's a little movie-atmosphere while they walk in the door and get settled. It's odd content on screen: really just for atmospherics, but still the same interesting enough that sometimes you can't help but watch for a minute at a time.
The images run through all sorts of quality levels including lines and fade all the way to really nice. Normally this might detract from the experience, but in this case it adds to the nostalgic feel of the whole thing.
The imbedded count-down clocks are meaningless: it was "three minutes to show-time" several times over about 20 minutes! (Don't set your watch by this!)
It's some astounding stuff! For somebody who lives in a neighborhood with a couple of really good pizzerias the very idea of Drive-In Movie pizza is kind of disturbing. Still the same, the adds are full of 1950s and 1960s cars which more than make up for that pizza!
There is actually a practical purpose being served here. I often show film shorts and then a video-based feature or concert. Once or twice I've gone to roll the video and found nothing but "HDMI#1: NO SIGNAL" on screen. After that, it's wiggling cables in front of a sitting audience (-and every so often correctly re-routing them! -Oops!) until the picture wakes up. (-not the greatest showmanship.)
By having this disk run at the beginning of the show, I know that audio and picture are both working: everything is plugged into the right place and fully seated, too!