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What Blu-Ray did you watch last night?

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  • Originally posted by Graham Ritchie View Post
    I have been using the Panasonic of late with its new lamp, I must admit although not full 1080, the image is very good for an old projector by todays standards. I have know idea how long this new cheap replacement lamp will last, but it was well worth replacing the original time expired lamp with this one...
    That image is excellent for an "old" projector. It appears to be a least 1080i. My previous projector was 1080i and I was very happy with it. The new projector does 4k and image enhancement. The 4k is superb, but even a 720p DVD looks great. "Upgrading" from S8 to VHS, to DVD, to Bluray, to UHD gets expensive.

    The Time Machine is an old favorite of mine. The last scene raises an interesting question:

    So, if you were leaving home indefinitely, what three films would you take with you?


    • Hi Ken

      Tinnitus is nasty I have it as well but not that bad that I need something to wear to mask it. I noticed it more one evening after working tarmac years ago. The avionics chap wanted to speak to the pilots while the engines were running so I gave him the head set I was wearing to communicate with, as the engines were already running and I was standing close to them, that was my big mistake on my part to be to close to the engines. It was hard trying to sleep that night, as you no, you can't get away from it. I did go later to a hearing specialist, who basically said there was nothing they could do and hoped in the coming weeks it would ease up, best of luck was the last thing he said to me. It did ease up in time, I don't think about the Tinnitus I still have, its there alright but not as bad, but I am very conscious of not putting myself in that situation again. When I think back to my ACF days being on the range with the old Lee Enfield .303 with no hearing protection it makes me wonder, glad they take hearing protection more serious these days.

      I had a read of a review I still have of the Panasonic PT-AX200U you might find of interest Quote from a 2009 review.... "I should note that the PT-AX200U, supports 1080p 24fps, so when it has such a source, as we are starting to see blu-ray discs, they do not need to use 3:2 pulldown, providing smoother motion on movies. While almost all new 1080p projectors are supporting 24fps, many 720p projectors do not".

      He does also mention that he was feeding a 1080p signal to the Panny, so it was converting to its native 720p it did very well.

      I still have a couple of screen shots left over from the other night, better mention though I did watch "Star Wars" 1977 blu-ray tonight, the 1997 modified release, it looked good on the Panasonic, the darkness of space was a good black, image wise the projector has a nice color range.

      PS Thats a hard question to answer Ed I think "Airplane" must be one, will think of another two tomorrow

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      The Time Machine DVD
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      Paper Planes blu-ray
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      • Graham, It was also target practice with a line up of fellow national servicemen using the old Lee Enfield 303 on a range with a corrugated iron roof that contributed to my hearing loss.
        My last screening with the Epson was last week for two of my grandchildren was “Swallows and Amazons” the earlier version on VHS, followed by “ The Third Man” for their Dad. Also on VHS. Unfortunately this had to be abandoned because of faulty tape. I will have to replace it with a dvd. Incidentally, I have always understood that VHS and DVDs were 25fps. They always played o k on my old Sony


        • I blame my tinnitus on the M60 machine gun. In a live fire exercise I was given an M60 which fires about 600 rounds per minute. We had no targets so I decided to take down small trees. I had lots of ammo, but alas, no ear plugs.

          On frame rates, I have a video camera that shoots 24 fps - 60 fps. I always use the 24 fps to get that "film look". I believe movie makers have stayed with 24 fps to avoid that "TV soap opera" look in their digital movies.

          Choosing only three films to take with you is a tough decision to make. The Time Machine would be one on my list. I would probably favor Citizen Kane as well. The third choice would likely be a Hitchcock film.

          Speaking of Time Machine, Amazon has the Bluray for $12.


          • Originally posted by Graham Ritchie View Post
            Thanks Ed

            I am not getting any sound out of it at all. I will still have a look inside though. At present my "finance controller" about getting another one, "Yvonne" has told me I will just have to do without it so at present I will have to do as I am told
            Check any internal fuses first. When my sub packed up it was a fuse.


            • Thanks Brian

              I was thinking that very thing yesterday, hope to find some time today to have a closer look at the inside fuses.
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              • Last Night "the Happy Valley" the BBC film of the Kenya Murder also portrayed in the cinema film White Mischief (in which a late friend of mine played the foreman of the jury). I bought it to compare as I had never seen this version, only a few excepts. It is a sharp transfer but with damage, low contrast and the grading changes seem a bit delayed after the change of shots, but it was in a sale and good to see anothe angle on the story.


                • Of all the films we watched at the cinema during the 1980s, this one is still the top of my list, although I only have it on DVD hopefully one day a blu-ray, better still a 35mm print


                  • A few night ago the blu-ray of "The Great Escaper" starring Michael Caine and Glenda Jackson, its been a long time since I last watched Glenda Jackson in a film and I must say she was brilliant, do take the time to watch this one its really good, highly recommend it.

                    I don't know how many have watched ""Pierropoint" it tells the story of "Albert Pierrepoint" he was a British hangman who in his time as executioner hung over 450 people. Its a fascinating story.

                    Back tonight with something a bit lighter, so had to watch "The Bad News Bears" again on blu-ray, a couple of screen shots from a previous screening.
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                    The DVD of "Pierrepoint"
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                    Bad News Bears

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                    • Graham,

                      I'll have to watch Pierrepoint​. Martin McDonagh's excellent play Hangmen is loosely based on Albert Pierrepoint and fellow executioner Harry Allen.

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                      • We went to a open air market last Sunday and came across a box full of blu-ray titles advertising three for ten dollars. Had a look through them and for the first time came across "Enemy at the Gates", so had to get that one plus a couple of others. The blu-ray discs were in excellent condition, so last night watched it using the Panasonic VP. Both picture and sound were very good, it has been a title that I have interested in for a while, but never got around to looking out for a copy. Compared to the DVD that I still have, the blu-ray is a lot better. I guess though that these days more folk are into streaming hence quite a few titles are coming up second hand for sale.

                        As for Enemy at the Gates, its good movie.


                        • We both watched "Voyage to the Edge of the World" blu-ray on the Epson VP last night It also reminded me of of John Denver hit record Calypso played on the radio a lot at work, those were the days.
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                          • Last night was a "nothing on telly" night, so Mrs.E. and myself decided to sit down and watch a film. After years of watching the weak sloppy rubbish that is shown in an afternoon, I was quite surprised when recently, she declared that she actually liked war films and westerns! That was new to me after all this time!

                            So.... we sat down all night and watched this absolute corker of a film (first time for both of us) in terms of not only story, but dialogue, pace and craftsmanship. The blu ray quality was very good, too. I knew nitrate film burned..... bit not THAT quick !

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                            • My last screening was “ The Colour Purple”. The latest musical version on dvd. It was for my wife’s W.I. Film group, raising funds for their charity of the year. It was not really to my tastes as I am not keen on “blues “ music, but they thoroughly enjoyed it. They discuss the films over wine and snacks afterwards which I always enjoy!


                              • The Panasonic VP is getting a bit of use lately the last week its been a combination of Blu-ray and DVD. We both watched Duma and I must say Carroll Ballard "The Black Stallion" did a great job of directing this film, it really captures the landscape of South Africa, for those folk, who like me enjoyed Born Free, this movie has plenty of African wildlife in it. The next night it was the turn of Objective Burma this is a excellent movie I would highly recommend.

                                Back to blu-ray with "All Is Lost" I cant think of any other film, that during the end credits under "Starring", only one name comes up, and that's Robert Redford, something else apart from the opening of the film, only one other word is spoken at that's the F word half way through the film. Its another blu-ray worth watching. Just had to finish this run with the Towering Inferno
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                                All Is Lost
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                                The Towering Inferno
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