Picked up this title "I Am David" the other day I had never heard of it before, it was something a bit different based on the novel. But what caught my attention reading about it, was the cast in particular Joan Plowright, so I thought I would give it a go projecting it using the Panasonic tonight, although its just a DVD not blu-ray the picture quality was very good. The acting and story was also very good and it certainly kept my attention right to the end, good movie.
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What Blu-Ray did you watch last night?
The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then the Bigfoot (2018)
Ignore the title. This is actually very entertaining. The user review below from IMDB gives a nice summary:
Great performances, it will leave you scratching your head though.
darrenbjones29 September 2019
In Empire Strikes Back, Luke is about to enter a cave, he asks Yoda what is in there. The answer, "Only what you bring with you." This is really at the heart of The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then The Bigfoot. The tale follows Calvin Barr, played in youth by Aiden Turner and in age by Sam Elliott, both of whom give outstanding performances. As a young man he is tasked with hunting down and killing Hitler, as an old man he's drawn into hunting down and killing The Bigfoot. But is that really what this film is about? I saw it as an allegory on aging, vulnerability and Alzheimer's but reading other reviews it clearly means different things to different people. From an allegory on America's fight against Fascism and then Communism, through a man rewriting his past, a weak man trying to give the mistakes in his life meaning, to a story about a man who genuinely killed Hitler and then Bigfoot. There are many other reviews that offer different readings on this film. This movie seems to hold up a mirror to the audience and you put your own meaning on it. What isn't up for debate are the fantastic performances of the cast, from Elliott and Turner, through to Larry Miller as Calvin's brother and Caitlin Fitzgerald as Maxine, Calvin's lost love. It's a mesmerizing film and you'll debate what it's trying to say for a long time afterwards. It's definitely worth a viewing or two.
The full film is available to view on YouTube
Well tonight was a bit of a surprise, I had picked out a second hand blu-ray a while back called "Slow West" from a $5 dollar pile in town. To be honest it really didn't look like much on the cover, but thought I might get around to watching it one night. Tonight was that night, first of what was New Zealand film commission in the opening credits as its a Western? , then the BFI in the UK came up, again I thought what are they doing funding a Western?. mmmmm strange, well soon after it started I could see it was filmed here in the South Island as well as Scotland.
The location photography really looked great, so if you want to see a bit of New Zealand this is a good one to watch. Right as for the story, well it turned out to be very interesting, certainly a lot better than I thought it might be. The cast were also very good, watching "Slow West" turned out to be a good nights entertainment, anyway here is the trailer
projected using the Panasonic.
Originally posted by Graham Ritchie View Post
Splice Here is aimed primarily at the film buff/collector. The best part to me was the section on future of film and how digital is allowing restoration of film that would be lost forever without it. Douglas Trumbull's work with Showscan has great potential. I hope someone will pick up where Trumbull left off. His vision of expanding digital technology to take us far beyond the initial impact of immersive technologies such as Cinerama and Todd AO is fascinating. His observation is that current digital technology has a long way to go, when the best it can do is a 2k/4k version of film which can deliver nearly 20k resolution with current large format film. Digital replaced Film to save money, not improve presentation.
I have finally found a 3D Bluray of The Young and Prodigious T.S. Spivet. I have only previewed it so far, and the 3D is simply astounding. I am looking forward to a full viewing soon. I may close my eyes to avoid the rattlesnake jumping out of the grass scene.
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Watched "Islands In The Stream" from Imprint again last night. Its a film that I think grows on you, George C Scott is perfect in the part. Filmed in 1976 and released in 1977 and based on Ernest Hemingway novel. If you get a chance to watch it, its well worth it. both picture and sound are very good.
A couple of past screen shots from the Imprint blu-ray
Boy has the years past since we ran this at the cinema, still kicking myself not to find a away of hanging onto the print before they went to landfill, drat. Anyway watched the blu-ray again tonight using the Panasonic VP. It got me thinking I should find a way of including some of the promo stuff into the 8mm display at Ferrymead Heritage Park soon.
PS What model of Eumig projector is that shown below?
A couple of screen shots taken tonight, I am finding this film growing on me more and moreafter all its Super8
The start of the Dr Who season 25 set, Remembrance of the Daleks, upscaled from PAL 625/50 with new Dolby 5.1 sound (the origianl was two chanel audio) with original effects (there is an option for updated effects that I will watch later). Good picture but when projected it does show that one camera on location had a fault giving faint fine vertical lines on the picture . This set will take a long time to watch as there are ectended version too, plus commentries!