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What 8mm films did I watch last night?

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  • Tonight's line up in the Man Cave had a mostly musical theme to it yet again.

    The show consisted of......

    Flash Gordon - 1x 50' Trailer - Lots of Queen music.

    Schindler's List - 1x 50' (ish) Trailer - Excellent trailer to a monumental film.

    The King and I - 1x 50' Trailer - Yul and Debs !

    Showboat - 1x 100' Trailer - Saw the full length a couple of weeks ago.

    South Pacific - 1x 60' - Rossano Brazzi and the recently departed Mitzi Gaynor.

    The Sound of Music - 1x 70' - This was the "flat" version which differs from the anamorphic version regardless of the fact this is actually letterbox widescreen!

    Calamity Jane - 4x 600' - Doris Day and Howard Keel.......oh...and The Deadwood Stage !

    I always find it a bit weird that I usually write up these postings at about 11pm straight after the show, when really it is still afternoon in the States or morning in New Zealand. Just a comment.



    • No film shows last Saturday night in the Man Cave. The room lay silent, as did the entire house. Its owner being 140 miles away surrounded by like minded people, many of whom frequent this forum, watching films all day, and even a midnight matinee (!!!!!!) in a town you may have heard of !!

      A superb weekend. Thoroughly enjoyed it.

      However, time now to project some of those precious purchases made a couple of days ago and tonight (Tuesday) I was joined by my audience Mrs. E !

      My Fair Lady - 1x 100' Trailer in Scope (although I watched it flat tonight). Very good colour and a brilliant synopsis.

      Calamity Jane - 1x 50' Trailer - Finally got a copy of the trailer to go with my full length feature.

      Eumig RS3000 - 1x 100' @ 18fps - An interesting little item this one. A small professional film promoting this machine with all the reasons why you would want to watch your movies on a small built in screen instead of projecting across a room.

      Bats In The Belfry - 1x 200' - Woody Woodpecker. Really pleased I tracked this one down as it has been an old favourite of mine since the 1970's which I managed to obtain a 16mm black and white copy some years back, but now have it in (really good) colour on super 8

      Road Runner and Wyle Cayote - 1x 200' - Not sure of this Warner Brothers title as it is in Spanish but as there is no actual dialogue, this can be enjoyed by anyone.

      Acrobatty Bunny - 1x 200' - Bugs Bunny in another Merrie Melody caper.

      Airplane - 3x 600' - OMG!..... Never thought I would find a copy of this FULL LENGTH..... but there it was... and here it is! Picture is slightly warm but all the colours are there. The sound is very good most of the time. Just spotted one section (singsong for the girl on a drip) which was slightly jittery sound. Otherwise fine.

      I did buy more, but will probably leave those until Saturday.

      Watch this space!!


      • For me, from Blackpool buys, Cross Country Detours (Merrie Melody) a sort of cartoon travelogue featuring a running gag of an Alaskan dog running to California for the trees!! Also the 600ft colour cut down of Genevieve. Both had great colour.


        • Two more from Blackpool "Wilie the Operatic Whale". Great colour but sound a little off (bad stripe?) and my raffle win the 200ft B&W "Hellfighters" a good B&W cutdown/selected scenes with good picture and sound.


          • After years of looking for „Battleship Potemkin“ I found the full feature in Blackpool last weekend. This weekend I screened the mute print and used the Pet Shop Boys Soundtrack from the CD and it completely worked fantastic. A timeless masterpiece in „new shape“! Wow…!


            • Last night "The Dentist" WC Fields, another Blackpool buy, delayed due to my own trip to the dentist this week.


              • Brian,

                I hope your dentist appointment went better than this one!

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                • Yes, the only pain was in my wallet from paying for the emergency treatment. A piece of tooth broke off, thankfully not exposing any sensitive tissue.


                  • The Caine Mutiny and The Battle of the River Plate. A rousing naval night! Done OK on 400ft each and colour.Great stuff!


                    • Doug - Brian has had a shave since then !!!!!!!


                      • Melvin,

                        Of course, to make it easier for the dentist! Some dentists are very thorough...

                        Click image for larger version  Name:	MM dental.jpg Views:	0 Size:	114.1 KB ID:	109238


                        • Last night?

                          -a very nice (very lightly used) S8 print of Pixar's Knick-Knack freshly delivered from Steve Osborne and the Reel Image.

                          I love showing a modern film like this on an 8mm projector to an audience. The idea that the film was first created years after S8 was (allegedly) obsoleted kind of shakes up their worlds! ("Where did you get that?!")

                          I've always had a fondness for the Pixar Studios stuff in any case.


                          • Taking about dentists watch this

                            PS Doug in the film "Boychoir" Dustin Hoffman in a scene talks to the kids about there future careers, he says "and some of you might become dentists" with a smile. That caught my attention, as I am sure that's a reference to the above still above from the past film he was in

                            I will say this, I am glad I never went to school here in NZ back then when they had a school dental nurse, this short film, must sum it up for a lot of NZ kids from that era

                            Steve, those Pixar shorts on Super8 are brilliant and its good to show folk, that there were some modern films on that gauge, old stuff is good but more up to date films like the Pixar shorts does show others that we are up with the play with more modern stuff as well "Knick Knack" is one I never got, but its one that is still on my hopefully to get someday list.
                            The Murder House - "I hope you're braver than your brother." In this darkly humorous short film, a young schoolboy (James Ordish) finds the day plunging into nightmare, when he is sent for a visit to the school dental nurse. The nurse (a sly performance from future casting director Tina Cleary) takes pleasure in other people's pain. This overheated tale for the dental-wary was written by Ken Hammon, who was part of the boys' own team behind Peter Jackson's first splatter flick Bad Taste. Murder House director Warrick ‘Waka' Attewell writes here about how he set about turning filmmaking into a game for his junior cast. 


                            • Hi Graham,

                              I was actually in search of One Man Band and Steve had none on hand, but offered to sell me this as a (really good) consolation prize! (I AM consoled, too!)

                              Back about 22 years ago I was all proud of myself having sound (!!) for the first time in my life. (It was as if I was the last kid on the block to get a bike!) -so I went on an informal tour of family and friends showing them this 1970s wonder! I was at my sister's house and showed my family Gone Nutty and For the Birds fresh from Derann Film Services.

                              -my youngest nephew thought I shot them off a TV screen with my movie camera! (All things considered, this was actually kind of a compliment!)


                              • Steve I am still kicking myself over not buying "Geri's Game" from Derann long ago. It was advertised in there news letter for a very short time, then it disappeared. However I did buy "Gone Nutty" "For The Birds" and "Madagascar Penguins", later in there second hand list I picked up "The Chubbchubbs"
                                Those Pixar shorts are timeless, on the feature side of things I should have purchased Bugs Life but never got around to it, that would have looked great in Scope
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