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What 8mm films did I watch last night?

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  • Continuing on my theme of all singing.... all dancing....all colour (although maybe not quite perfect colour this time), tonight's offering in the Man Cave was as follows......

    The King and I - 1x 50' Trailer - Deborah Kerr and Yul Brynner

    Showboat - 1x 100' Trailer - Howard Keel, Kathryn Grayson and Ava Gardner. Lovely colour.

    An American in Paris - 1x 400' - Gene Kelly and Leslie Caron in her first film. I still need to see my full length version of this with optical sound.... when I manage to repair the projector!!

    Singin' in The Rain - 2x 400' - Mr. Kelly again, this time with Donald O'Connor and Debbie Reynolds. A bit faded but the colours are still there.

    High Society - 2x 400' - Messrs. Sinatra and Crosby with a FEMALE Kelly this time! A very light shade of pink but still very watchable.



    • The new Double Bill release from Ultra 8. I enjoyed both cartoons. Once again, fantastic to have them in French!


      • The last couple of weeks have been all singing.... all dancing.... in glorious colour in the Man Cave.

        Tonight I continued the all singing... all dancing theme..... but this time in black and white. It ended up being an almost completely Busby Berkeley night.

        1x 50' - Yankee Doodle Dandy - Trailer

        2x 400' - 42nd Street

        2x 400' - Footlight Parade

        2x 400' - Gold Diggers of 1933

        2x 400' - Gold Diggers of 1935

        Most of them had almost the same team of stars in them, Namely Dick Powell, Ruby Keeler, Frank McHugh and others.



        • Not last night, but this afternoon and the room wasn’t completely dark, but it was STAR WARS, the one and only! I can only guess how often I watched this masterpiece since 1978 in the cinemas, on VHS, DVD or in TV, but nothing beats the Super-8-Scope presentation! Oh, how I miss Derann…


          • Something very, very special tonight.

            Three Days is literally just a home movie I shot on Columbus Day Weekend in 2004, exactly 20 years ago.

            Something happened that year: my Dad died that May. For this reason I felt like somehow I needed to take stock in life and preserve it the best way I knew how: Kodachrome 40.

            Columbus Day Weekend there is always a bunch of things going on: and Saturday, Sunday and Monday my wife and son and I went someplace with someone and did some-thing. I was there with a Minolta XL-401 and several cartridges and I got it all, and then edited and titled to tell the story.

            My wife actually wasn't there on Monday and I had to think back on why I was there to shoot the film: I was unemployed!
            (-rough year!)

            We watched it tonight: our then two year old is twenty-two now and has a girlfriend, a car and a college to go to. Several people we knew and still love are there alive and well and happy, yet not with us today. It was great to see them again! (I can't help but love Kodachrome 40! Looks like it was shot a week ago!)

            I told my son that I hope that this film and its story will be seen by our descendants in some form a hundred years from now! It succeeds in doing exactly what a home move is supposed to do: capture and preserve people, times and history!
            Click image for larger version  Name:	3 Days.jpg Views:	0 Size:	200.1 KB ID:	106932


            • Wednesday October 16, 2024

              Begin in cinemascope:

              The Flying Sorcerous Tom & Jerry
              Pit & Pendulum trailer
              West Side Story trailer
              2001 A Space Odessy trailer

              The Fog feature by John Carpenter 1970’s version

              Switch to flat

              Intermission reel:
              Pearl & Dean Beer Fags & Women
              Mick Jagger David Bowie Live Aid
              Tex Avery The Cuckoo Clock
              A Spark of Being released through Steve Osborne

              Dark Star feature by John Carpenter

              A nicely arranged tribute to the drive in double feature Halloween themed
              Two great films from the same director
              Dark Star alien also looked like a pumpkin in some ways.

              Start 7:00pm
              Finish 10:40pm

              GS 1200 X 2



              • I watched Romancing the Stone in scope. Sorry for my slightly blurry screen shots, but the picture quality itself is really nice and so is the sound as were most prints from Derann. It was only the fifth run of this print and the last one for me, as it's going up for sale.
                Attached Files


                • Last night we watched two 400' Disney compilations: Goofy's Golden Gags and Pluto's Playful Pranks, which I bought at CineSea. They are both really nice prints and from the looks of things, it's possible "Goofy" has never been projected!

                  This gave us a chance to do the classical comparison between the two: "Wears clothing, Speaks English, Mickey Mouse's friend" and "Wears only a collar, Barks, Mickey Mouse's Pet", even though they are both dogs. (Let's not even discuss how grossly oversized Mickey is as a Mouse!)

                  I wonder: When Mickey Mouse goes on vacation, does Goofy stop by his house and take Pluto for a walk?

                  I saw these for sale and they just drew me in! I already have Mickey's Memorable Moments, Donald Duck's Dilemmas and A Walt Disney Christmas and even though I'm not either a big completist or a huge Disney fan (-more a Bugs Bunny kind'a guy!), somehow the idea of these five boxes lined up on the shelf just felt good!


                  • Before leaving for CineSea, I watched a 3x400' cutdown of a 1973 Paul Naschy film, Vengeance of the Zombies​ (La rebelión de las muertas). Naschy does triple duty in this one, playing twin mystics and also the devil in a bizarre dream sequence.

                    This release by Arco Film is in English with Dutch subtitles.

                    Click image for larger version  Name:	Vengance of the Zombies 1.jpg Views:	0 Size:	57.8 KB ID:	107045 Click image for larger version  Name:	Vengance of the Zombies.jpg Views:	0 Size:	58.7 KB ID:	107044

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                    Click image for larger version  Name:	Vengeance of the Zombies -  - 6.jpg Views:	0 Size:	73.2 KB ID:	107048


                    • I totally agree Steve regarding home movies in regard to capture and preserve people time and history. We watched some of our own last week, they look like they were taken just yesterday, and not over 40 years ago. That moment in time that will never come again, captured on Kodak film projected as it should be on a Super 8 projector. Regarding the home movies that I was sorting out for Ferrymead as well, the Kodachrome Standard 8mm is amazing, thank goodness they still look good, sadly I have got nowhere regarding tracking the folk down in them. I told a family just today, never bring your 8mm home movies here, digitize them by all means, but always keep them safe, stored in a cool dry place as digital can pack up but there Kodachrome home movies will last forever.

                      A couple of screen shots on Standard 8mm film taken at a guess 50 years ago or more, no records were never kept at the Park , pity.
                      Click image for larger version

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                      • I love that gorgeous color! It's like technicolor, like it happened yesterday! Beats the hell out of video. I have VHSC and early mini digital home movies, but color and image quality truly pales in comparison to those glorious Kodachrome memories! I'm thinking about getting my scope super 8 home movies scanned. They still look great, my little brothers are still those little bro's, quite different than what they grew up to be; but the later videos just look shoddy compared to that film!


                        • I made a mistake some years ago. I was after Gepe 300 foot reels and found some home movies on them on e-Bay buy-it-now for cheaper than the reels would have cost me empty.

                          Great Plan: "Buy the films, spool 'em off into the garbage and keep the reels!"

                          It was perfect! What could go wrong?!

                          -welllll...then I got them and saw that they were about an aviation club down on the Texas Gulf coast and they were messing around with planes and going flying...

                          ...and I kinda'...liked the films.



                          • Click image for larger version

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                            -it seems I'm not he only one to see it!


                            • "Fraternally Yours" teh 1x400ft version of "Sons of the Desert" bought at the Big Screen Scene Revival on Sunday.


                              • The Digest version of "Scrooge" from DCR/Davelyn films and the trailer for "Twister" were mine for last night.

