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Well I'm not saying that educational standards have fallen...but I was talking to a carpenter the other day and he thought a dovetail joint was a place where you kept your pigeons 😩😜😂
For our non--European members : try to guess what those gestures mean (British members probably know the answers, although the video it's typically French ; we use the same in Belgium, so I assume it's European) : https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kV7mKg5-upE
Late one night, a man has the bonnet up on his car trying to repair it,
A drunk man staggers up to him and says "What's wrong?"
"Piston broke" the man answered.
"So am I" replied the drunk man.
I went to the doctors today. I said to him "all these girls keep rushing towards me, no clothes on! I keep pushing them away, but still they keep rushing towards me, no clothes on!"
The doctor asked "What do you want me to do about it?"
I said "Break my arms!"
"Hello Mrs.Smith. I heard my next door neighbour talking to the women across the road and they said what a big hooter you have! Please may I borrow it for my bike ?"
"Daddy, me and my friend cut off a glow worms tail today"
" I bet the glow worm didn't like that at all."
"Oh yes he did, in fact he was de-lighted!"
(If these stinkers have earned me an instant life ban from the forum, then it has been nice knowing you all!!!)
I was driving the other day and got a puncture on one of the tyres, got the jack out and started to raise the car when a complete stranger jumped in the car, I shouted "Oy what do you think your doing!!!" To which he replied, " if your having the wheels then I'm having the stereo""
I was at a posh dinner recently. During the meal I belched really loudly.
One of the men on the table bellowed "How dare you belch before my wife!"
I said "I didn't know it was her turn!"
A slightly deaf friend of mine could not understand why I kept telling him I had a SUPERB collection.
It was only when he visited my house he realised I had said Super 8 !