One thing I remember about the Datsun 240Z it did not like to be driven in slow moving traffic. What I recall was having to ride the clutch in 1st gear as it really wanted to get up and go. Compared to many cars in 1st gear which would tick along nicely in slow moving traffic, the 240Z just wanted to fly 
I only ever owned a Datsun and that was here in NZ a Datsun 312 three speed column change
it was all I could afford at the time. One thing that stood out with Datsun was unlike British cars they did not leak oil, plus they were easy to work on and very reliable
. I think they had a 260Z out here plus Datsun 1200sss model that was modified with a different carburetter and cam shaft, plus a few other things, That was the sports version
the thing with the 1200cc engine you could really give it a hard time and it took it in its stride.
Today its a cold winter day 7C, standing on the side line with my jacket, wooly hat and gum boots in middle of a boggy paddock
although looking at the heat waves and wild weather world wide I cant complain. A parent took these photos below over the last couple of weeks, today is the bottom one 

I only ever owned a Datsun and that was here in NZ a Datsun 312 three speed column change

Today its a cold winter day 7C, standing on the side line with my jacket, wooly hat and gum boots in middle of a boggy paddock
