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Your Today in Pictures...
I am on my travels again this week. I have arrived at Conwy in northern Wales..... and to the smallest house in Great Britain which measures a mere 10' deep and, as demonstrated, about 6' wide. It only has approx. 16 square feet of usable space on two floors. A one up, one down which can just about accommodate a bed on the first floor via a trap door and ladder !
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Martian Skies on Long Island
This last week forest fires have been raging up in Canada: approximately 11 Million Acres have been involved. Smoky haze has spread for many hundreds of miles.
Wednesday around lunchtime, I looked out the lobby door where I work and saw a bunch of my friends out there looking up at the sky.
I joined them and saw this:
It reminded me of other skies I have seen, especially in a certain Matt Damon movie. Just for reference, here is a shot also taken of our Sun by the Curiosity Rover on Mars during a dust storm:
Back here on Earth, our air quality was borderline hazardous for a couple of days, people were back to masks again and the very sensitive smoke detectors in the facility where I work had to be disabled for a while. (They basically all went off at once!)
In the days since, the skies have returned to a nice, earthy Blue, and today was a great day to be outside!
Wednesday, June 7th, 2023Last edited by Steve Klare; June 11, 2023, 06:58 PM.
Originally posted by Graham Ritchie View PostWith direct flights now to NY and its only 14 hours away I am running some film tonight if anybody wants to come down to NZ
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Had a look Steve, yes they certainly grow up quickly and at Connor's age they think they know it all. When I offered to take him to the game, I said right you can break into your piggy bank and pay for drinks this time round. Its important to me that they don't take things for granted and have to appreciate what others do for them. When he got in the car, I gave him a written check list, with a yes or no boxes to tick before heading of. Number one do you have your rugby boots, Two do you have your mouth guard, and lastly do you have money to buy poppa "me" a large coffee after the gamereturn form to driver "me" before leaving
They probably think I am nuts but its getting the point across, that as they get older they have to contribute moreConner was surprised as to how much things cost when he had to pay for it, my reply to him was, welcome to the real world.
I will pay the next one
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Yesterday completed lifting the Westar onto a new frame I made for it, also modified a couple of donated tables to be more stable, same time added rewind arms, added a left over "Hotel for Dogs" poster from my Movieland dayselectrician wired new power sockets from the downstairs fuse box downstairs. Slowly getting there, hope to have the Westar going soon, cleaned the belts and pulleys, new projector oil for the intermittent, plus a full clean and lube on everything else, hand fed the two ducks that come and follow my car around every time I visit the place
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