I can tell you I did see kangaroos and coyotes running rampant after a whole day of fine soldering yesterday David. Today was a much easier task soldering the rest of the power components. Will test for power up tomorrow. 14 boards lined up on my window sill.
But, anyways back to our discussion.
Wolverine could detect stuck film. This could be a feature of the time lapse cam that they use. It detects scenery transitions. If detected their controller can just stop the stepper by sending the stepper off signal to the power supply. That is how I do it when you turn off the run switch. The film is not damaged because the claw slips under the film. I,e, tries to pull it and the film slips and the claw goes under it.
Now, with our capstan we detect the missing pulses from the motor encoder. When this happens a pulse gets generated every 10 seconds to the capstan motor until the condition persists. Upon detecting the condition it would be easy to turn the stepper off. No hardware changes and a simple MSP firmware change. And quite frankly, I do not want to redo these boards.
But, anyways back to our discussion.
Wolverine could detect stuck film. This could be a feature of the time lapse cam that they use. It detects scenery transitions. If detected their controller can just stop the stepper by sending the stepper off signal to the power supply. That is how I do it when you turn off the run switch. The film is not damaged because the claw slips under the film. I,e, tries to pull it and the film slips and the claw goes under it.
Now, with our capstan we detect the missing pulses from the motor encoder. When this happens a pulse gets generated every 10 seconds to the capstan motor until the condition persists. Upon detecting the condition it would be easy to turn the stepper off. No hardware changes and a simple MSP firmware change. And quite frankly, I do not want to redo these boards.